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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rambo)


    “Spence?” I say softly. She looks at my and a blush spreads across her face.


    “Oh right. Sorry. Ok so the other night. I know I was a little upset about Aiden. And I know I was pretty drunk. But I remember it. Everything. And I don’t regr-“




    Ok so a lot of stuff happens right then. This complete banshee screech pierces through the night, ripping right through me and Spence’s little moment I might add. And then there’s this giant crash. And then Aiden comes bursting out of his front door with a sheet wrapped around his waist. And then Spencer and I see what appears to be a tree with feet running through the yard and down the street.


    “What the fuck,” Aiden mutters and he starts to walk back inside. Then I hear Spencer snort, trying to suppress her laughter. Aiden must’ve heard it, too, because he stops and peers into the garden.


    “Spencer get down!” I whisper and push her over into the dirt. She lands on her back, with me on top of her and we barely even breathe until we hear Aiden go back into the house. And then I become highly aware of the fact that I’m lying on top of her. And she’s just staring at me.




    If someone told me last week that next Friday I would be lying in my now-ex boyfriend’s bushes, with my best friend lying on top of me, and that I would be dying to kiss her – for the second time- I would have said that umm, well I would’ve said they were lying!  Ok so I can’t really think straight right now.


    She’s lying on top of me, with her body pressed so tightly against mine and she’s looking at me intently. This time I won’t have any excuses. I’m not drunk. I could care less about Aiden. And there’s no Carmen to beep a car horn at us.


    “Ashley,” I whisper


    “Yeah?” She looks me in the eyes, and I can’t believe how dark hers are. They’re almost black.


    “I think…I mean, I want to…I – I think I want to kiss you.” I can’t believe I just said that.

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    1. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    2. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    3. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

    4. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    5. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    6. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

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