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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rambo)


    “I think I want you to kiss me, Spence.”


    So I lean up, wrapping one arm around her waist and winding the other through her hair and pull her face toward mine. She leans down, and uses one hand to cup my cheek, supporting herself with the other.  I look at her arm, the one that’s near my head, and I can see her muscles completely defined. I don’t know why, but it’s probably one the hottest fucking things I’ve ever seen. So I lightly brush my finger tips over them, and she moans and grinds her center into mine, and this time it’s my turn to moan.


    She looks at me one more time, and then her eyes move down to my mouth, and she licks her lips. I pull her towards me again, more forcefully, until we’re so close that we’re breathing the same air. I close my eyes and


    “SPENCER!? ASH!? WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?” We hear someone whisper loudly.




    Jesus mother fucking Christ! Are you shitting me right now? We were this close, this close. She was going to do it. We were going to kiss and she did it because she wanted to, because she wanted me. She had no excuses this time. But no. Glen the stupid man tree comes crawling through the bushes. He looks like a friggin idiot with all those branches on his helmet and I half hope Aiden saw him running down the street.


    I slide off Spencer before Glen has a chance to process the compromising position we were in, and I hear her groan in frustration. Well at least I’m not the only one, I think, smirking to myself.


    “What the fuck Glen!” Spencer whispers loudly, “You screwed everything up!” I know she’s not just talking about Rambo.


    “I’m sorry ok! Look, can we please just get out of these bushes and I’ll explain in the car.”


    “Fine,” I say. “But ass holes that sabotage the plan for revenge get stuck in the back.” The three of us crawl out of the bushes and start walking back to my Porsche, which is parked around the corner. Glen is walking ahead of me and Spence, and I know he’s too embarrassed to turn around and talk to us, so I grab her hand, lacing her fingers through mine.









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    1. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    2. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    3. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

    4. You have got to be kidding they were soooooooooo close that time such a tease but im totally hooked on his story plzzzzzzzz PMS an i mean really soon !!! :)

    5. gah! glen kills everything! loL! that was SOO funny though! i wanna know what happened that caused him to scream like a girl and run down the street! hahah! awesome update!! PMASAP!

    6. when they said there was no distraction i immediatly thought yea no distractions what about glen…and she had no excuse to fall back on either…so close

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