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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture pt. 3)


    “Spence…Spencer, wait,”




    Jesus Christ what is it.  Don’t get me wrong, I love Ash but I really had no intent on stopping anytime soon and the fact that she’s making me stop worshipping her body (I kind of love her abs in case you haven’t noticed) is driving me crazy.


    “What’s wrong?”


    “Nothing, nothing. It’s just…you don’t have to do anything you’re not ready to,” Aw isn’t she cute.


    “You don’t want me to?” I try to control my smile, because I know she wants me to finish what I started.


    “No! Of course I want you to keep going. I really, really do, but I don’t want to push you. It’s your first time with a girl and if you don’t feel comfortable with doing thi-“ Ok how many times tonight am I going to have to shut her up? I pull away from the kiss and look at her. Her face is a dark shade of red, almost crimson, her breathing is fast and shallow and I her eyes are pretty much black. Like I’m going to stop and just leave her like this. I’m not that cruel.


    “Ashley,” I say, “I have never wanted anyone more than I want you right now. So stop talking and just let me have you.”  She looks at me intently for a few seconds before quickly nodding her head.


    I kiss a trail back down her body, stopping briefly to run my hands over her abs again, loving the way the muscles contract as my fingers brush over them. I lean down again, and gently nip at the skin there. I hear her moan, and that reminds me that she is pretty much going out of her mind right now.


    I move my hand down and slowly slip her boxers off. I gently cup her sex and even that little amount of contact makes her hips buck involuntarily into my hand. “Please…please,” I hear her whimper. I lean down and slowly part her pussy lips with my fingers before running my tongue the length of her slit.  “Mm…Ash you taste so good,” I moan.


    I know she needs more, so I replace my mouth with two fingers and slide them into her, moving in and out slowly. “Ahh…harder,” She moans, and I comply, thrusting into her harder and faster.  Soon I feel her tighten around my fingers and her moans keep getting louder and louder.   I lean down and take her clit in my mouth, sucking on it hard and running my tongue over it.  With one last hard thrust, she goes over the edge.


    “Oh fuck…SPENCERR,” She cries as her hips thrash about on the bed.  As soon as she calms down, I slowly take my fingers out of her and slide up her body until I’m lying fully on top of her. She opens her eyes and smiles weakly at me.


    “Hey,” I say softly.


    “Hey yourself. That was really really….”


    “Yeah?” I ask.


    “Yeah.”  I lean down and kiss her quickly before moving next to her on the bed. She pulls the covers up over us and once again I snuggle into her and quickly fall asleep.

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