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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture)


    “Okay, Spence, but tell me if I’m going to fast, or if I hurt you or anything ok? And I’ll stop.”  I can only nod my head in agreement and she must be satisfied with my answer because she pulls me in for another searing kiss.


    Out of all this kisses we’ve had recently, this one might be the best. It’s passionate, but not rough. She’s gently stroking my tongue with hers and I love the way it feels. This kiss…it holds all these emotions in it – lust and passion, yes. But also love.


    It feels like a promise; of what’s to come later tonight but also later, with us. I feel like she’s trying to convey everything she feels in this one kiss, that she loves me, that she wants me, and that she won’t ever hurt me. I give everything that I feel right back to her, right back into that kiss.


    Then she moves up my jaw line to my ear. “I love you,” She whispers into it. It’s the most sincere I’ve ever heard her say it. “I love you too,” I whisper back. She smiles softly and then moves back down to my neck, biting down on my pulse point again.


    She doesn’t spend a lot of time there, and moves down to my breasts again. She takes my nipple in her mouth and sucks on it hard before biting down gently. “Fuck,” I moan, arching my back again. She switches to the other one, and gets the same reaction from me.


    She keeps moving down, kissing my stomach.  She moves even lower and runs her tongue right above my underwear and I arch my hips up at her, trying to get her move lower. She takes the hint, and moves her hand down, cupping my sex through my panties.


    “Shit Spencer,” she moans, “I can feel how wet you are.” I can only moan in response and thrust my hips up at her again.


    Her head dips down, and she pulls my underwear off with her teeth. “Oh fuck,” I moan, closing my eyes tightly.


    I feel her fingers lightly caress my wetness, and again all I can do is moan.

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