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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture)


    “Spencer,” She whispers, “Did I do all of this?” She moves her fingers around a little more.


    I don’t say anything in response, but then her hand stills all together. I open my eyes to see her leaning over me again. “Spencer,” she repeats. She starts moving her hand again. “I want an answer.”


    Oh God. I’m so hot right now. Of course she did all of that. I’m so wet for her, so ready for her to take me.  “Y-yes,” I barely choke out, “It’s all y-you.”


    I guess she’s satisfied with that answer, because she moves down even more and slips two fingers into me.


    “Fuck…Ashley,” I cry out as she starts to move inside of me. It feels so fucking good. Then I feel this hot, wet heat envelope my clit. I look down just in time to see Ashley’s wrap her lips around me, her eyes looking right into mine.


    I groan, and close my eyes again. The pleasure is quickly becoming too much.  Then she removes her hand and her mouth completely. I groan in frustration at the loss of contact and feel her hot breath on my face. I open my eyes to see her looking down at me.


    “Spencer, keep your eyes open. I want you to look at me. I want you to watch me.”


    It takes a minute, but I force my eyes open and sit up, resting on my elbows. She kisses a trail back down to my center. She licks from my slit up to my clit, circling the nub but never touching it. She never takes her eyes off of mine, and repeats this 3 or 4 times.


    “Ash…..please,” I whimper. I need her so bad.


    Finally I feel two fingers enter me again, and she’s done teasing. She begins thrusting into me hard and sucks on my clit, running her tongue across it every few seconds. My stomach muscles start to contract, and I feel like every nerve in my body is tingling.


    She pushes into me again, this time curling her fingers. Whatever she just touched, it was indescribable and that’s all it takes for me to completely go over the edge.


    “Oh fuck…..Ashley,” I cry. My back arches and my hips thrash wildly on the bed as I explode into oblivion.  But she doesn’t stop; she sucks hard on my clit again and curls her fingers one more time, making me cum a second time.


    Once my body has calmed down, I pull her on top of me and into a heated kiss. I can taste myself on her lips. “Ash,” I whisper, my voice hoarse “that was…amazing.” She just smiles at me and kisses me again before she lies down next to me and pulls the covers over us. Then she wraps me up in her arms and I lay my head on her chest. I’ve never felt so safe.


    Right now, I’m exhausted. But I don’t plan on ending our night at just one round. Not by a long shot. I hear her sigh, and I snuggle into her more before drifting off to sleep.







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