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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Ready to Fall)


    I suck in a deep breathe of air, trying to collect my thoughts before I speak. “Spencer, I want you so fucking bad right now it’s not even funny,” I begin.


    “Then just take me,” she whispers, leaning down to kiss me, but I pull back. She looks at me again, “Ashley, what’s wrong?”


    I take in another deep breath. “Spencer, I’ve wanted to do this for so long, but I don’t want it to happen like this…with all this,” I pause searching for the right word, “Crap, hanging in the air. We’ve been all over the place lately, we’re fighint bu tthen we end up hooking up, but then we fight again and we don’t talk about any of it”


    “Ok,” she says, “clear the air.”




    I really, really need to listen. Because I know what she’s saying is important, but I can’t focus. I’m still sitting in her lap, her hands loosely cupping my ass. And she’s half naked. Yeah, I wonder why I’m not paying attention at all. She looks so fucking gorgeous, her hair is tousled, her face is flush and her eyes are so dark they’re almost black. And did I mention she’s topless?


    “Spencer?” She says suddenly, waving her hands in front of my face “earth to Spencer! Are you with us?”


    “Hmm? What? Yeah, of course. Keep going. I’m all ears.”


    She looks at me, annoyed and amused. “What did I just say?”


    I open my mouth, but no words come out, I can’t even think of anything. “Spencer, what’s going on?”


    “I – you need to put a shirt on! Because I cannot focus on anything else right now,” I yell, reaching behind her and grabbing her shirt.


    A sexy smirk creeps on to her face. “Well I’m sorry Spence, I didn’t think my hot bod would be so….distracting.” The she lifts up her arms and I reluctantly put her shirt back on for her.


    “Are you sure we need to talk?” I whine, putting my arms around her neck and scooting impossibly closer to her.


    Her face becomes serious. “Yeah, we do. If you’d been listening when I was talking earlier, you would have heard me say that I was sorry. I didn’t mean to use Glen to try to make you jealous, and I would never want to hurt you. I – I just thought that if you didn’t think I could be with someone else, you’d just keep stringing me along.”

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    1. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

    2. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

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