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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Ready to Fall)


    “Is that what you think? That I was stringing you along? Ash I would never do that to you, but I didn’t know what to do. I’m not supposed to be in love with you, but I am. Then I was with Aiden and….”


    “and Andy,” she says, cutting me off.


    “Oh,” I say, smiling at her. “You talked to Glen?”


    “Yeah,” she says, not looking at me. “So did you guys…have fun or whatever?” She mumbles the last part.


    “Yeah, we did. We hung out a lot, talked, got caught up on each other’s lives, all that stuff.”


    “Did you, like, did you do anything?” She asks, still not looking at me.


    “Yep,” I say, still grinning at her like an idiot.


    “What!?” She sputters, almost throwing me off of her. “What did you do?”


    “Well,” I begin, wrapping my arms around her neck again. “I told him and a bunch of my other old friends that I’m gay. And that I’m in love with my best friend.”


    “Spencer how could –” She sounds angry, I think she was expecting me to say that I kissed him or something. I just wait for her to process it. “Oh,” she says smiling at me. Light bulb! Then she jumps forward, pushing me on to my back and kissing my face. “Spence,” She says between kisses, “That is….so….great…. I can’t believe… did it.”


    “I had to,” I say, brushing my thumb over her lips. “I couldn’t keep pretending to be someone that I’m not.”


    “I love you,” She states simply, leaning down to kiss me again. I place a hand on her shoulder stopping her.


    “You know what I really want to do?”


    “Hmm I wonder,” she says suggestively, “What?”


    I pull her towards me again, and when she gets close enough I roll out from underneath her and she face plants onto the mattress.


    “Go swimming!” I yell, running out of her room like a mad woman.


    “Tease!” I hear her yell from inside, I’m already at the pool. I start to peel off my shirt when I hear a small stampede behind me. Uh oh.


    “Ashley no!” I shriek as she shoves me into the water, quickly jumping in after me. “I hate you,” I pout as she wraps her arms around my neck.


    “No you don’t,” She whispers, “You love me.”


    “Yeah, I do,” I whisper back, before pulling her into me.








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    1. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

    2. LOL, yea, I agree with the others. How could Ash expect Spencer to listen when she’s sitting there topless, lol. Love the last part where Ashley tries to kiss Spencer and ends up kissing the mattress, then Ashley tackling Spencer into the pool. No, I’l just say it, I love this entire story! Great update, PMASAP!!!!!!

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