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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Sabotage)


    I immediately pull away and let go of Ashley’s hand. I glance at her and she looks hurt. Really hurt, but I couldn’t let Glen see us. She knows that. She can’t be mad at me, right? Who am I kidding, of course she’s mad. I give her an apologetic look that does absolutely nothing before I shift in my seat and stare out of the window.


    “Hellloooo earth to Davies. Green light means go!” Glen chimes from the back seat.


    “Shut up Carlin,” she snarls. “I know how to mother fucking drive.”


    “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down Ash. I was just saying that you might want to put the metal to the petal before the people behind us start to get out of their cars.


    I have to snort at this “It’s petal the metal dingbat. You’re so retarded sometimes. Speaking of, how did you manage to ruin our plot for revenge?”


    “Hey,” he begins, “it wasn’t as easy as it looked!”


    “Oh really?” I shoot back. “Because me and Ash were doing pretty good up front in the bushes.” I look at her, trying to catch her eye. As soon as I have it, I whisper “Really, really good.”  As soon as I say this, she smiles, and I know things are ok again.


    “Yeah Carlin, jeez what is your problem. Did watching Aiden and Madison get you all hot and bothered and you just couldn’t handle the situation?”


    Glen is silent. And Ash looks at me, her eyes wide, before we both burst out laughing.  “Oh…….God,” I manage between fits of laughter, “I so…..did not…..need to hear that.”


    “Look, I’m a teenage boy. What did you expect? Obviously you and Spencer should have taken the tree house and I would’ve held down base camp. Plus, you failed to mention, Ashley,” He says pointedly, “That Aiden’s bed is right in front of the damn window, which is directly across from the tree house! I had an almost perfect view, but when I tried to sneak in for a closer look, but Madison saw me. Or… I don’t know she said she saw an evil tree man. A-and then I fell out of the tree house okay? I think I broke my ass.”

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    1. uh oh .. this isn’t good. i hope spencer doesnt start pushing ashley away before they even start something. that would blow .. just a little. awesome update though! this story is effen great! you have to PMASAP!!! uh huH!

    2. uh oh .. this isn’t good. i hope spencer doesnt start pushing ashley away before they even start something. that would blow .. just a little. awesome update though! this story is effen great! you have to PMASAP!!! uh huH!

    3. stupid glen things would have probably been fine if spence went to ash’s they could have talked it out with a lot of make out time in between but now spence seems to be pushing away from ashley…pms

    4. stupid glen things would have probably been fine if spence went to ash’s they could have talked it out with a lot of make out time in between but now spence seems to be pushing away from ashley…pms

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