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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Second Impressions)


    “That was a dirty trick Spencer,” She growls before crashing her lips into mine. Things start to get really heated and just as she’s about to untie the top to my bikini, I hear the unmistakable sound of a camera phone. I hurriedly pull away from Ash and turn around, only to see Madison; phone out, hand on her hip, evil smirk on her face.


    “Uh oh,” She says, “What will happen when big brother and mommy dearest find out?”  I feel Ashley get ready to lunge at her again, and this time I’m going to let her, when all of a sudden Aiden comes out of nowhere and snatches the phone away.


    “Aiden!” She shrieks “What the fuck?”  He just ignores her and goes through her phone for a few minutes before handing it back to her saying “Go play nice.”  She scoffs and rolls her eyes before storming out.


    Then he turns to me and Ash “Don’t worry, I deleted everything. Sorry about the Mrs.  She can be a little…uh bitchy sometimes.” He says, looking at us sheepishly.


    Ashley is speechless, but I manage to say “Why did you do that?”


    “Have you met your mom? Or your brother? Spencer you would’ve been screwed if that video got out. Now it can only be a rumor, and there’s no way to prove it.”


    “Yeah but…why? Why would you want to help me?”


    “Because, I still love you,” Ashley starts to tense up, and he notices. “Whoa, calm down Ash, not like that.” He turns to look at me again, “I haven’t loved you like that in a long time, but I do still care about you. And I want to see you happy. It took you guys long enough to get it together.”


    Now it’s my turn to be speechless. “You knew?” Ashley croaks out


    Aiden shrugs, “Yeah well, even though I’m a caveman…” Ashley glares at me, “I still pick up on a lot. You never looked at me they way you would look at her, Spencer. And for a while, it sucked and I tried really hard to make you love me back. But then, I don’t know, I just got over it. I knew I couldn’t break up with you, and so I just kept up the act for as long as you wanted to. I guess I just wanted to protect you.” He shrugs again, and then burps.


    “Ew,” Ashley says. But I run over and throw my arms around him. He tenses up for a minute, but then wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me off the ground. “Maybe I’m not such a bad guy after all, huh?” he whispers. And I nod into his shoulder After a minute he sets me down.


    “You guys need to be careful though, because now that Maddy knows she’s going to do anything she can to catch you again.” He turns to leave, “Oh and the next time you stake out my house don’t bring Glen. And try to be a little more discreet when you’re rolling around in my bushes.” He laughs and then leaves.


    Now we’re both speechless.







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