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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: The Words We Say)


    “Well howdy do to you too,” She says sarcastically. But I don’t find her funny.


    “What do you want Ashley? I’m busy” Ok that’s a total lie, but I can’t let her think I’ve been sitting her waiting for her to call me. Even though I have.


    “I wanted to talk to you,” she says softly. “I-I missed you Spence.”


    God damn it. I wanted to stay mad at her but I can’t. “I missed you too.”


    “Really?” I can hear the smile in her voice.


    “Yeah really. No one was annoying me for like a week, it was a little weird.”

    “Ha ha ha. Can you sleep over tonight? I think we should talk.”


    “Yeah probably could you pick me up though? My dad’s already in bed.”  


    “Oh Arty, hittin’ the hay already,” We both laugh. “Yeah I’ll be over in like 20.”




    I’m driving over to Spencer’s and to say that I’m nervous is an understatement. I’m sick of all these stupid games we’ve been playing so tonight I’m just going to be completely honest: tell her how I feel, find out what happened in Ohio with this ‘Andy’ character, find out where her head’s at and go from there.


    I pull up to her house and she’s not outside so I just head up to her room. Fortunately I don’t run into Glen.


    “Knock knock,” I say as I walk into her room and fall back on her bed.


    “You know you’re actually supposed to knock,” She says, walking out of her closet, “Just saying ‘knock’ doesn’t count.”


    “Oh bite me,” I say, laughing as she throws a pillow at me. Then I stand up “You all set to go?”


    “Yep,” she smiles and then throws a huge duffle bag at me. It hits me in the stomach and I fall back on her bed.


    “Jesus Spence how long are you staying for?” This bag must way about 4 tons.


    “Until Monday, if that’s ok with you?” She asks, smiling at me unsurely.


    “Of course it’s ok! How the hell did you pull that off?”


    “I told you, my dad is absolutey exhausted. I asked him right as he was about to fall asleep and he would’ve said yes to anything if it meant that I’d leave him alone so he could get some shut-eye. So here I am.”

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    1. Warning…do not wait a month or longer to post, will spontaneously combust from anticipation. LOL. No seriously, I will, so POST MORE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

    2. Warning…do not wait a month or longer to post, will spontaneously combust from anticipation. LOL. No seriously, I will, so POST MORE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

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