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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Your Own Disaster)


    “Uh…do you want to come in?” She croaks out.


    “Why Miss Davies, I thought you’d never ask,” I say, and then saunter past her into the house.




    Shit. Ok so one minor glitch in my plan – Spencer looks drop dead gorgeous and I might not make it through the Disney movies let alone the talk we were supposed to have. Chances are I’ll jump her long before then.


    She starts walking up the stairs, with me following behind her, I think she’s talking, but I can’t be sure because I’m way too focused on her flawless ass to pay attention to anything else, until she stops and turns around, looking at me with a sexy smirk on her face.


    “Ashley? Are you even listening?” She looks amused, like she’s talking to a child. And it might be pissing me off, but this new, flirty, confident Spencer is hot as hell too.


    “Y-yeah. Yeah. Of course I was listening Spencer, jeez,” I stammer. I have no idea what just came out of the girl’s mouth.


    “Oh, ok good then is that a yes?” Shit. Yes to what?


    “Uhhh….yes?” I say, unsure of what it is that I’m agreeing to.


    “Ok good. So we’ll watch the Lion King 1 ½ and then Pocahontas 2.”


    “WHAT!? Spencer there is no way in hell I’m watching those movies. You know I hate them!” God damn Disney for making horrible sequels. And God damn Spencer for having an amazing ass…one that causes me to agree to awful things. I shake my fist at her and she just laughs.


    “See, I knew you weren’t listening, if you were you would have heard me say I want chocolate ice cream and the chills. But you were clearly preoccupied by something else.” She says preoccupied like she knows what was distracting me. Damn damn damn.


    “Oh so we don’t have to watch the 2 worst things ever to spawn from the hands of good ol’ Walt?”


    “Ew of course not. The Lion King 1 ½? I wouldn’t watch it if you paid me, you know that.”


    “Hmm…this is true, Ok Spence I’ll go get the chocolate assss cream and you pop in our first flick of the evening.”

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    1. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    2. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

    3. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    4. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

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