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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Your Own Disaster)


    “Deal,” she says, smiling at me before she heads up the rest of the stairs to my room as I head back down them toward the kitchen.




    I walk into Ash’s room and flop on her bed, smiling. If I had known that it would be this easy to get her going, I would have worn my ass accentuating jeans months ago.


    I put in Pocahontas, the original of course and then start to pile other DVDs in the order that we’ll watch them: The Lion King, Lady and the Tramp, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast.


    Then I start arranging the pillows on her bed so we’ll both be comfy and lie down.


    “Spe-ence,”she says in a sing song voice, “I have iiiice creeeeam!”


    “Gimme!” I yell, and she sits down on the bed next to me, one leg tucked under, the other dangling off the edge. I can’t help but stare at how much her skirt rides up her thigh.


    “Okay movie time,” She yips “Hit play, woman!”


    As soon as Poco starts we don’t talk much, except to recite lines and sing songs to each other, because it’s our favorite. The same thing happens with the Lion King, although I do catch her staring at me a few times.


    By the time we get to Lady and the Tramp, I need a little break.


    “Ash?” I say, glancing over at her


    “Yesm?” She answers, never taking her eyes off the T.V.


    “Will you give me the chills now?”


    “But Spence, I really want to watch this. The spaghetti part is coming up!” She whines.


    “Well you can still watch it, just sit on my butt,” I say innocently, but I think she’s starting to catch on.


    She smirks at me “Whatever you say, Spence” And she climbs on top of me, straddling my butt.” When she starts to run her fingers up and down the back of my arms and across my back, I don’t do anything to hide how good it feels. I sigh into the pillow and arch my back a little bit. I hear Ash’s breath catch in her throat and then she says “Feel good, Spence?” Her voice is low and husky, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what that means.

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    1. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    2. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

    3. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    4. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

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