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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Your Own Disaster)


    “Yeah, really good,” I half whisper, half moan. The way she’s sitting puts her center in direct contact with my jean clad ass, and I can feel the heat radiating off of her. I love that I’m the reason for it. “Hang on one sec, this tag is itchy,” I start to slide the straps of my cami off of my shoulders when I feel her hands on top of mine, stopping me.




    She was about to take her shirt off when it dawned on me like…Dawn! Dawning on a farmer. Ok maybe that’s not the best comparison but it’s all I can come up with at the moment. Suddenly I realize what she’s doing. The positions we’re in right now are exactly like the other night, except we’ve switched roles. This wasn’t how tonight was supposed to go; we were supposed to talk and what not. But she threw a god damn monkey wrench…wait no…. a gorilla wrench into the plan.


    “Spencer stop,” I say, sliding off of her. She rolls over and looks at me and for the first time I can see that she’s mad at me.


    “Me and Aiden are back together,” she says, her eyes never leaving mine for a second.


    “Y-You uh…oh.” I feel like I can’t breathe. This was definitely not expected. “Seriously?"


    “No, we’re not,” She says casually, as though she didn’t just make my entire world stop.


    “What the fuck Spencer?” I’m getting pissed.


    “I just thought you’d like to know how I felt when you got back together with Glen, right after we kissed, right after we were starting to get somewhere.” I can’t believe she’s doing this


    “Spencer I-“ I start to say, but she cuts me off.


    “No, let me finish. Do you know how much I wanted you that night? And before that? But then you just went running right back to him to try and get me to… what were Kyla’s exact words? Oh yeah, ‘get my shit together’ except I already had my shit together Ash, I just needed more time. You know how scary all of this is for me, and how hard it is. But you couldn’t wait.” She’s really angry, angrier than I’ve ever seen her.

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    1. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    2. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

    3. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    4. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

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