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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Your Own Disaster)


    “I’ve been waiting for the past 11 years Spencer! I’ve been waiting ever since the day on the swings when you said you wanted to marry me. Ever since the day you gave me my first kiss.” She looks at me like she can’t believe what I just said. “Yeah, Spence, I remember, and I know you do to. Even though you pretended not to, even though you pretended to be someone you’re not.”


    “Do not turn this back around on me Ashley. This is about you. You used my brother to make me jealous!”


    Now I’m pissed, and I’m done trying to have a civilized conversation with her. “Why would you be jealous, Spencer? It’s not like you’re my girlfriend!” Now I’m just taunting her, and she looks like she’s just been slapped.


    “I should go,” She says quietly.


    “Yeah, yeah you should,” I say back, still fuming. She starts to head towards my door, and I walk right behind her. Then she stops and she turns to look at me.


    “You know why, Ashley.”  I’m confused.


    “Why what?”


    “You know why I would be jealous, so stop acting like you don’t.”


    I fold my arms and stare at her, there’s no way I’m backing down. “No Spencer I don’t! Maybe you can fucking enlighten me!”


    “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” She screams it at me, louder than I’ve ever heard her. All I can do is look at her, too stunned to say anything. “For fuck’s sake Ashley, you know that. God I – I love you so much I don’t even know what to do anymore,” she whimpers.


    Before I have a chance to process what just happened, she’s pushed me against a wall and pinned my arms above me head, crushing her lips against mine. It’s rough- teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care. I run my tongue along her bottom lip, and she opens her mouth, groaning when our tongues collide.


    And before I know it, she’s gone, just like that. I should follow her down the stairs and tell her I’m sorry, tell her I love her, tell her I’d wait until she was ready. But I don’t. I’m frozen in that one spot until I hear the front door slam, then I slide down the wall to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. The tears come before I can stop them, but I guess they’re appropriate because this time, I’m not sure if I can get her to come back.








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    1. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    2. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

    3. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    4. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

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