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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 4)

    Trying to clear her mind, Paula jogged the block for what seemed like an eternity. Her thoughts of Christine had been flooding her mind every minute. Stopping to catch her breath, she realized that she missed her. It was true. These feelings had been stewing in the back of her mind for years. Remembering what she gave up to live the right way, it was never easy for her. Being in love with Christine back then was a constant battle with her own convictions, her family, and even Arthur. Paula picked up her pace feeling that her thoughts were getting too deep. She needed to release her stress. Turning the last corner to her home, she spotted Spencer outside.


    “Hey, honey, what are you doing out here so early?”


    “Oh…I am just waiting for Ashley. She’s picking me up this morning. She’s going to show me a few things around L.A. before we go to school today.” Spencer grinned, just the mere mention of the brunette had her beaming.


    Paula noticing looked down at the ground, “So…ummm…” Letting her uneasiness transcend to fidgeting with a rock in the driveway, “So…you two are getting along well?”


    “Yeah, I really like her. We always have something to talk about. She’s more than I expected.” Spencer kicked herself for her own words. She wasn’t quite ready for her mother to know that much about her feelings for Ashley. I have feelings?

    Paula looked back down to the ground, “Well, I’m glad that is working out for you.”

    “Mom….are you okay? You haven’t been yourself lately. We haven’t talked in a little while, you know. What was going on with you and Ashley’s mom the other night?”

    “Umm…nothing really…why do you ask?” Paula pretended not to know.

    “Well, before dinner, you were ecstatic to see her and then next thing you know you two were fighting and she’s been calling here everyday. And you won’t take her calls. I mean it’s like —”

    “Look, Spencer, I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” Paula snapped.


    “Mom?” said full of disappointment. Mom, I really understand. I wish I could tell you how much I understand.  You can talk to me.


    Paula sighed. She didn‘t want to hurt Spencer. They had worked so hard to even get to this point of talking so casually about things. She loved that her daughter was open with her about everything. “You know there are some things …that just shouldn’t be, Spencer. No, I mean can’t be. Umm… Looks like Ashley‘s here.” Paula was relieved.

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    1. aiden the boy with most likely the WORST timing EVER! cripes. lol that bam bam bam thing totally scared me lol not even kidding. i was so into the story and then its like WHOA! holy crap. haha great update!! cant wait to see what the next symptom issss! hehehe

    2. aiden the boy with most likely the WORST timing EVER! cripes. lol that bam bam bam thing totally scared me lol not even kidding. i was so into the story and then its like WHOA! holy crap. haha great update!! cant wait to see what the next symptom issss! hehehe

    3. i hate aiden…but i cannot wait until the next installment! woohoo! i really liked the whole intro part…no pun intended…hahaha. well, please update soon!

    4. i hate aiden…but i cannot wait until the next installment! woohoo! i really liked the whole intro part…no pun intended…hahaha. well, please update soon!

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