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    We All Love To Score – (Chapter: 3: The Truth Always Comes Out)

    “So Aiden. How are you planning to break my sister’s heart this time?” I asked casually.


    “I…uh… you see…”


    “Ash. Don’t bother.” Kyla warned.


    “Fine. Sorry.” Not. Like I said, the lunch was way too long. 15 minutes felt like 3 hours. After lunch was finally over, we went shopping then back to Kyla’s apartment. It was right next to mine, well it was more like 2 apartments in 1. There was just a door separating the 2.


    We got in around 4, 4:30. I had about 30 bags of clothes on me. “You know Ash; to say you kinda hate all the girly stuff… you sure do love to shop.”


    “I do not hate girly stuff… when another girl is involved that is.” I arched an eyebrow even though Kyla had her back to me.


    “Urgh gross. I do not need to hear what you like to do with another girl.”


    “Why not? You tell me all the details about Aiden.” No difference!


    “But I don’t go into every single detail.”


    “Oh yeah? Then how come last week you told me all about Aiden brining up here and-”


    “Ok, ok. I’ll shut up.” And my work here is done.


    We were sat there watching the T.V. and Kyla’s phone started to ring. “Yellow?… uh-huh… isn’t there any-ok. Right ill be there. Thanks Trish… yeah. Bye.”




    “Late booking.”




    “In about 15 minutes yeah.” She looked up at the clock, I did as well. 5:55. “Shit.” I ran to my room to get ready. 6:15. Ah not too late. I got into my car and drove down to the field, where a few of the parents were waiting. “Sorry people. Lost track of time.” I grinned. Everyone was ok with it, except of course, Madison.


    “It’s about time. Shaun is home today and I wanted to spend some time with him.”


    “I’m sure you will manage to get a quicky in.” I smirked.


    “Well you would know all about those now wouldn’t you.”


    “And here was me, so gutted when you had to leave school 2 years early. I was really jealous, until I found out you were at a psycho ward.” I’m sure her face went bright red with anger. She spun around and quickly headed off.

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    1. thata girl!! god damn i’m proud of spencer. “r-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me! r-e-s-p-e-c-t…” yeah i dont really know any words after that hahaha. oh well. anywho, boo ashley cant start to like james. blah that just doesnt work! he’s an ass damn it. ugh. anyways, great update! love this story.

    2. thata girl!! god damn i’m proud of spencer. “r-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me! r-e-s-p-e-c-t…” yeah i dont really know any words after that hahaha. oh well. anywho, boo ashley cant start to like james. blah that just doesnt work! he’s an ass damn it. ugh. anyways, great update! love this story.

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