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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: I do, I really do [Chapter 12])

    “God Spencer, I love you so much, you kissing Madison, god that thought just kills me inside” I start to cry a little bit more.

    “Ash, I promise never to hurt you like that again, and you have to promise the same thing, no more secrets, and I swear to you I will never do something like that to you” I just cry, god, I probably would’ve thought the same thing, but it hurts so much, I got to make sure I don’t make any more mistakes with this chick.

    “Spencer, I love you” I say, she finally lets go and just lays down next to me.

    “I love you too Ashley, always and forever” She says as she sits up and kisses me on the cheek. I sit up and get up and look at Spencer up and down. God she has the cutest and sexiest outfit on, I see her blush as I check out this innocent little girl.

    “I’m going to clean up a bit and I’ll be back out here.” I’m sure my make up is all over my face, and I didn’t even get to finish.

    “Actually me too” She follows me inot the bathroom, I open the bathroom door for her as she checks herself in the mirror, I just look at her as she washes her face and gets some stuff from the cabinet.

    “Ill finish outside, you hurry up inside, I want you all to myself” She says as she winks at me and smiles. I’m glad we got through this, I fix my make up and fix my robe making sure to show just enough not to much, and I’m going to go with the wild and crazy hair look. We got through this, our first fight, that’s always great. This better turn into something bigger and better.

    “Hey baby” I say as I walk out of the bathroom and lean on the door frame making sure my curves are all showing.

    I walk over to her swaying my hips, seeing her lick her lips makes me wetter and wetter by the minute. I straddle her and start ot kiss her passionately on the lips.

    “There is no way in hell Madison is ever going to taste these lips again, got it” I say, meaning it, she touches Spencer, I will knock her teeth out..

    “Never again” She says as she pulls me down on the bed wit her. I start massaging her breast and I hear her moan and it quickly makes me so wet. I suck her nipple through the cute little butterfly bra she has on. I start to move my hand south and cup her center, I feel the heat and can feel the wetness in between her thighs. Of course it makes me so much hotter.

    “God you’re so hot, and you’re so wet” I whisper into her ear. I feel Spencer’s hand start to move down my body and she gets to their destination, but I know she is kind of confused that what she was looking for isn’t exactly there.

    “What’s this?” I look down and see her poking the little toy I have on.

    “Oh that, that’s for later” I say before I kiss her before she gets to say anything else, oh this is going to be a long night.

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