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    As Good As It Gets – Chapter 13

    "You like that baby?"

    "God yes"

    Bette was quickly losing control from all the sounds escaping Tina’s lips, unable to stop herself from grinding against the aroused blonde. She buried her face into Tina’s neck and inhaled the intoxicating scent of her lover’s perfume, breathing heavily into the soft flesh.

    "You smell so good baby" Bette whispered into Tina’s neck, licking it right after. Her lover whimpered, unable to respond as she squirmed against Bette. Tina was on an unbelievable high, she felt like she was floating.

    She moaned and tilted her head to the side, granting her lover better access as she continued to grind against Bette. She loved the way Bette took her with an animalistic need, as if it was something that couldn’t be controlled. Tina cracked open her eyelids, biting her lip as she looked into the mirror and watched they way Bette devoured her neck. Bette’s hands roamed all over Tina’s entire body possessively, the sight was beyond erotic.

    "Bette . . baby I’m so wet"

    Tina smirked when Bette groaned into her neck, sucking on the tender flesh as her hand roughly found its way under Tina’s panties with an intense desire to feel for herself. When she did, both women let out a shuddering gasp at the amount of wetness there.

    "Oh God . . Tina"

    With a moan, Bette placed a hand on Tina’s back and gently pushed the blonde down to bend over in front of the mirror. Tina braced herself by placing her hands on the edge of the cool mahogany surface, looking up in the mirror to see Bette lean over on top of her.

    "I don’t think I can wait until we get back to your hotel room" Tina moaned when Bette growled into her throat, she loved this side of her lover.

    There was a muffled noise outside of Tina’s dressing room door but it was ignored, both women were much too lost to even pay attention to anything other than what was happening between them.

    "I need to be inside you baby" Bette moaned into Tina’s ear, making the blonde shiver, "I wanna fuck you while you watch me in the mirror"


    1. What a psycho! think Bette will have to break up with Ava several times ha!I hope Bette and Tina don’t get into Ava’s game, because a person like her could be very manipulative.Excellent chapters and as always with your stories i keep wanting more more and more.PPVS

    2. looks like tina or bette caught what ava was saying about sam… i am wndering if they say any thing about that… ava just about told tina she was the one who sam was with… any way… ava needs hers now… maybe a fewe lost teeth too, this way she can’t sing any more…now that would be her due justice… love this story… and it will be sunday here in NY in about 4 and 1/2 hours… :)

    3. Ditto, ditto, ditto. Excellent chapter as usual. Never a dull moment with Ava around. She hung herself with her actions as Tina and Bette will make it official soon. Looking forward to more good adventures. Thank you!

    4. i wish Ava got punched too and for a minute i thought she was going to spill the beans on her and Sam! Hope Bette get’s her next time with a nice right hook and a black eye! more soon pls thanks Liah!

    5. I thought they were already a couple? I can’t believe Ava was even mobile after sucker punching Tina. I would’ve been waiting out in the parking lot with a ski mask, bat and Cadillac. I read the Ava fight scene with Kanye West’s Flashing Lights and it totally went together. Thanks Miss Liah 😘

    6. Ooohh, Ava is going to absolutely get it, and it cannot come soon enough, even though I think she has a lot more crap and trouble-making up her sleeve. Once the truth about everything is out though… >:D On another note, everything else about Bette and Tina’s reunion was really sweet. Thanks for the post, Liah! :)

    7. oo~~~ohh no!! I knew I have to save the update till Sunday! But even though I tried to read slower, I still reach page 11 before that!! … :-( that might lead me to another round :-p and dear lord how come Ava manage to go inside there!? And bypassed 2 bodyguards?! And punch Tina!? Ugh!! She must be so small* and slimy* so she managed it huh!? *pun intended* so looking forward to what happens next! :-) thanks Liah for the update and enjoy your weekend getaway! Will be waiting patiently for more update from you :-) btw when will Ava spill the beans about Sam!? And … Do you have a Jenny somewhere to match Ava’s craziness?!? You know.. ;-) LOL… PPVS :-)

    8. OOOOOooow… can i have the permission please to sucker punch Ava? please?? god… i hate that biatch. but i have to admit, ava makes this story more’ll bring out the ever protective Better Porter. wooohooo!i love this story. please post soon. =)

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