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    As Good As It Gets – Chapter 13

    "So much for talking to her about you and me" Tina smiled sadly.

    "Tell me about it. Now the whole world is gonna find out"

    "Is that really such a bad thing baby?" Tina asked hesitantly. She knew the initial reason as to why she and Bette kept their relationship a secret but now that it was out in the open, they could officially announce being a couple. Tina had already been dying to tell their friends anyway. She knew there would be tons of drama and Ava induced fights where they were concerned but the blonde couldn’t hope but feel excited about the world knowing Bette Porter was hers and only hers.

    "Of course not, sweetie. Actually . . I was going to ask you something before all this happened" Bette smiled as she ran her hands up and down the outside of Tina’s thighs, her own excitement creeping in.

    "And what were you going to ask?"

    "Will you be my girlfriend, Tina?" Bette asked hopefully and watched Tina’s surprised expression unfold. She already had an idea as to what the answer might be but she still had a bit of worry swimming around inside her, "I want it to be official baby. I want to attend events with you, walk hand in hand everywhere we go. I want-"

    Tina shut her official girlfriend up by leaning forward and passionately kissing her. Her jaw ached slightly with each swipe of her tongue but Tina ignored the pain. There was nothing more satisfying or more unbelievably worth it than kissing Bette.

    "You know, you talk about me but you talk a lot yourself"

    Bette smirked at the tease and brought a hand to the cheek on the opposite side of Tina’s bruising area, "So is that a yes or . . ."

    Tina laughed and nodded her head, dipping her head in again for another long kiss. Despite the altercation with Ava, Tina couldn’t have been happier. There would definitely be more problems where her cousin was concerned but the blonde couldn’t seem to care at the moment. She simply kissed Bette deeper and deeper, enjoying the moment between them before anyone or anything could ruin it.


    1. What a psycho! think Bette will have to break up with Ava several times ha!I hope Bette and Tina don’t get into Ava’s game, because a person like her could be very manipulative.Excellent chapters and as always with your stories i keep wanting more more and more.PPVS

    2. looks like tina or bette caught what ava was saying about sam… i am wndering if they say any thing about that… ava just about told tina she was the one who sam was with… any way… ava needs hers now… maybe a fewe lost teeth too, this way she can’t sing any more…now that would be her due justice… love this story… and it will be sunday here in NY in about 4 and 1/2 hours… :)

    3. Ditto, ditto, ditto. Excellent chapter as usual. Never a dull moment with Ava around. She hung herself with her actions as Tina and Bette will make it official soon. Looking forward to more good adventures. Thank you!

    4. i wish Ava got punched too and for a minute i thought she was going to spill the beans on her and Sam! Hope Bette get’s her next time with a nice right hook and a black eye! more soon pls thanks Liah!

    5. I thought they were already a couple? I can’t believe Ava was even mobile after sucker punching Tina. I would’ve been waiting out in the parking lot with a ski mask, bat and Cadillac. I read the Ava fight scene with Kanye West’s Flashing Lights and it totally went together. Thanks Miss Liah 😘

    6. Ooohh, Ava is going to absolutely get it, and it cannot come soon enough, even though I think she has a lot more crap and trouble-making up her sleeve. Once the truth about everything is out though… >:D On another note, everything else about Bette and Tina’s reunion was really sweet. Thanks for the post, Liah! :)

    7. oo~~~ohh no!! I knew I have to save the update till Sunday! But even though I tried to read slower, I still reach page 11 before that!! … :-( that might lead me to another round :-p and dear lord how come Ava manage to go inside there!? And bypassed 2 bodyguards?! And punch Tina!? Ugh!! She must be so small* and slimy* so she managed it huh!? *pun intended* so looking forward to what happens next! :-) thanks Liah for the update and enjoy your weekend getaway! Will be waiting patiently for more update from you :-) btw when will Ava spill the beans about Sam!? And … Do you have a Jenny somewhere to match Ava’s craziness?!? You know.. ;-) LOL… PPVS :-)

    8. OOOOOooow… can i have the permission please to sucker punch Ava? please?? god… i hate that biatch. but i have to admit, ava makes this story more’ll bring out the ever protective Better Porter. wooohooo!i love this story. please post soon. =)

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