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    Chapter 1.

    Tina rolled out of Bette’s arms, now naked apart from her boots, torn dress and her thong, she walked into the bedroom, locking the door behind her. She sat on the toilet, tears running down her face. Very slowly she removed her clothes, throwing her dress into a corner, removing her boots and stopping herself from throwing them against the door.

    After a few moments, she got into the shower, switching it on, the water was cold at first not that she noticed before it warmed up. Tina put her head back, letting the water run over head as her tears came, she wept, sobbing. She wanted to scream. She had hurt Bette. She’d slapped her. What had just happened was violent and bleak. They’d had the most dysfunctional sex of their relationship.

    She was in the shower for about ten or fifteen minutes. She stepped out wrapping herself in a large white towel. She looked at herself in the mirror. She still looked a mess. She didn’t care. She walked out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom. Bette wasn’t there, she was glad. She dressed in yoga pants and baggy t-shirt. Before she picked up her cell, her charger, her laptop, she walked into the guest bedroom, dropping them onto the bed. She closed the door, putting the light on knowing that Bette would see it under the door.

    She sat cross legged in the middle of the bed, her mind was racing. Bette had done the one thing she’d never thought she’d do, she’d cheated on her. She’d been with another woman. She had found sex, with someone else.

    Tina couldn’t help the tears that ran down her face. She wasn’t even sure what to do next. Was she to leave? Was she going to fight? Could she trust Bette again?

    Tina didn’t have the answers to these questions. She wasn’t sure what to do here. She wanted a drink. She got up and went into the kitchen, she filled the kettle and put it onto the stove.

    She stood looking out in the darkness, tonight should have been a celebration, Bette’s show had been a success. People were raving about it, but all Tina could see was Bette touching that woman’s neckless, their fingers entwined. Tina found herself shaking, tears filling her eyes.

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