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    Chapter 6 – The Reception / Wedding Night

    Bette and Tina appeared to float amongst the bubbles ushering them down the aisle. Bette’s eyes brimming with happy tears, Tina’s cheeks stretched wide with glee. As they made their way to the reception area the couple breathed a mutual sigh of relief as Bette pulled Tina into her, wrapping her arm around the blonde’s waist, and kissing her gently on the side of her head. Tina’s body faded into Bette’s, weightless in the excitement.

    “We’re married, babe.” Bette nuzzled against the blonde’s cheek.

    Tina grazed Bette’s chin with her lips. She squeezed her hip before rejoining their hands. “Again.”

    “Forever.” Bette exhaled with her eyes closed feeling Tina’s fingertips circling the new band on her left hand.

    Tina leaned up to kiss Bette’s forehead, placing a gentle peck between the closed lids, a reassurance to the thoughts she knew were racing behind them. Then she emphatically stated, “Yes, forever.”

    The two women enjoyed a few solitary seconds, whispering a few more sweet nothings to each other before the guests started entering the tent. Alice was first to hug the couple, pushing even Angie out of the way to get to them.

    She immediately took Tina’s jacket and untied the scarf for her as Bette watched curiously.

    “Alice, why are you undressing my wife?”

    Alice winked at Bette as Bette’s eyes found Tina’s cleavage while Alice adjusted her shirt.

    “Guys! Why didn’t you tell me the actual press secretary was going to be at your wedding? Hello! And who was she with? That woman looks so familiar! There’s too many famous people here. I don’t even know where to start. Why isn’t Kamala here, Bette?”

    Shane and Angie quickly guided Alice away, escorting the celebrity-awed tizzy towards the bar, her words still buzzing over her shoulder.

    Helena and Peggy watched on in amusement as they approached the couple next, both listening to Alice’s long, one-breath ramble.

    “Well, I see Alice is still exactly the same. Hello my girls!” Helena kissed both brides on each cheek. “I am so happy for you two! I told mummy we just could not miss it!”

    Helena’s long arm encircled Tina resting her hand on Bette’s shoulder. Tina leaned into her British friend, an overdue and much needed hug between them.

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