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    Heartbeat – Chapter 12

    Kit closed her dressing room door. She glanced at the two women, one her sister and other she once considered a sister. “Now, tell me exactly how the two of you met up again.” She gestured for the two women to sit down.

    “Kit, don’t you have a show in…” Bette looked at her watch,” twenty minutes?”

    “Don’t worry about my show. I’m worried about you and this heart attack thing you were telling me about earlier.”

    “Just what I told you earlier. I was jogging at the indoor tracks at school and I felt some chest pain. It felt like an elephant was sitting on me. I collapsed as the ambulance brought me to the hospital emergency room where Tina was working.” She glanced at the blonde next to her. “I’m fine Kit. Never better. You have nothing to worry about.” She reassured her sister. “I have to take low dose aspirin, but other than that…nothing. No chest pain. Tina will take care of me in case it happens again.”

    Kit looked at her sister and her sister’s former lover. “Bette, can you do me a favor. Can you go down the hall and ask Mike for a bottle of warm club soda and lemon. I need it for my throat.”

    “Sure, Kit, but wouldn’t it be faster if just called him.”

    “Yes, it would be faster, but I’d rather you do as I asked.” Kit gave her head a tilt to Tina, indicating she wanted some alone time with her.

    Tina squirmed in her seat as she watched the two women. She felt her nervousness returning, more so than before as she watched Bette stand and exit the dressing room.

    Kit turned to Tina once she heard the dressing room door close. “Tell me exactly what’s wrong with Bette and don’t leave anything out.”

    “Just as she said Kit; the ambulance brought her in. I was working in the ER and was expecting a woman with a possible heart attack. You can’t imagine how shocked I was when I ran into James in the waiting room and told me that it was Bette that was just brought in.” Tina closed her eyes and shook her head as if to clear that memory. She looked up at Kit. “I was so scared Kit. I’ve never been more scared in my life than in that moment. I ran to where she was wheeled to and…”


    1. there’s something about flashback which I really like… maybe it is the daydreamer in me….some things are always better the second time around… like a nice hot chilli… and the big sis talk with the warning… love it… thank you Tee! Did JB reply to you??? Kx

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