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    Hunt for a hidden history

    The moment of hesitation would have been a nice window for her revenge, but Bette contained the rage burning in her chest and waited. She had to convince this attacker that she would be weakened enough for the second hit to succeed. And to achieve that, she must take the bash until she couldn’t take it anymore.

    Not disappointing, Dawn snapped out of her frustration and abandoned the plastic hilt, made a brilliant return with her fists and claws.

    The gash on her nose was slashed open again, and even more blood gushed out, drawing a scarlet vile over her eye. Girls fight dirty, now Bette understood. She began to feel dizzy, a concussion would very likely result from her miscalculation. Even though she might not admit it, she was secretly glad to have agreed to Helena’s participation. Dawn’s ability was definitely underestimated, leaving a great possibility that she might die before the guards returned. As she slowly slipped into an unconscious state, Bette was praying, “anytime now, Helena…”

    And finally, with a last punch on her brow, the muscles in her neck went limp, and the siren from the panic button just down the corridor wailed.


    If it weren’t for Marcus and his badge, Tina would have had a very hard time convincing the old Mexican landlord lady to tell her about the previous resident at the address she found.

    “What’s she saying?” She leaned to whisper to him.

    He was still conversing with the woman in spanish. Then he was nodding vehemently, “she says that Sarah Schuster left her a number, in case some people are coming to cause her trouble.”

    “No creo problemas, abuela.” Tina waved her hands and promised awkwardly, “but I’d still like to borrow that number if that’s ok.”

    So eventually, probably cursed a dozen times by the peevish grandma, Tina got her number. She dialed, and got hung up on the first two calls, but when she dialed the third time tenaciously, it finally got through. “Hello? Sarah?”

    “No, it’s Jenny, who dis?” An annoyed voice cracked through the speaker, with a hint of latino accent.

    “Uhm, this is officer Kennard and senior officer Allenwood, we’re looking for a miss Sarah Schuster. Mrs. Mendez gave me this number.”


    1. Author:

      Alright, folks, it’s been a hell of a ride filled with my craziness, as you can see that the story is drawing to an end.
      I promised you a good ending, so I’m working on the last few chapters and I feel a bit elated not to have to write about more blood and gun and fight.

      Thanks for tolerating and reading! Comments are welcome as usual! Or just tell me random stuff, what’s on your mind.

      Love and Peace

      • oh and dunn, bibi, lip, guys come on, I love HELENA! She’s so darn cute, especially from season 3 and on. To me she’s pretty harmless. I don’t get why so many people depict her as a evil bitch. She’s such a cinnamon bun, doesn’t deserve any of the shit people been throwing her way LOL

    2. hello finished reading all your stories and I enjoyed them, you’re a genius to literature! I would like this novel has one or several sequels with many chapters, and yes going to write another novel I’d like to be a romantic comedy! Thank you for your novel.

    3. OK i concede maybe HELENA is a good guy after all, she did sound the alarm. Now that TINA has made contact w the girls and knows some of what happen to BETTE lets go to chi-town and get her back.pps this is getting good

    4. Here i am again and wow, what Bette is willing to endure, phew. Have a lot of respect for her and for you to be able to write it.

      I am glad that Tina found Sarah Schuster and some how i knew that her real name was Jenny! That nutcase. I hate her more than Helena and you do a good job to make me like her :-).

      But i am ready for the good stuff in this story, so bring it asap.

      Thanks for the update!

    5. I really I liked this chapter. and I’m looking forward to how you are shaping this story on.
      Poor Bette lived through the agony anguish (I know how painful a broken rib :-D)
      I’m glad that Tina is aware of what happened.
      I’m looking forward to the next chapter

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