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Chapter 32 – LONDON

“Yes, it has.” Tina nodded in the affirmative. “It’ll be great to catch up with one another. You have to tell us all about your little boy. You remember my sister, Ashley.”
The introductions were made as the Kennard’s had just arrived from London’s Heathrow Airport via the Porter car service. James brought the sisters into the large, Porter Estate cottage – The Woodland House. Amply named for the large wooded area around the cottage that sported a wide variety of indigenous trees native to England. This cottage was to be their living quarters for the next few months while Ashley received the intense treatment program for her illness and recovery.
The last few days had proven to be a whirlwind of activity for everyone involved, including the Kennard sisters back in Philadelphia.
As directed by Bette, Dr. Jenson had contacted Tina and Ashley this past Wednesday and explained all the particulars of the proposed treatment program. Step by step. He would accompany them on the trip to the UK. Both women were amazed at the speed of action being taken and also of the intense proposal.
Upon arrival in London, the doctor had accompanied the sisters to the Porter Estate and settled Ashley in with her medications for the remainder of the day. He had departed for the London Porter medical facility to confer with his fellow colleagues once James arrived at the house.
For Ashley, each day of the week, Monday through Friday, would hold a mixture of medical, physical and psychological therapies. A special diet would be advised as well to provide Ashley with all the nutritional values she could obtain. Increased doses of vitamins and supplements would treat her lingering fatigue. All treatments would serve to heal Ashley in both body and mind. Her very being would be altered on a molecular level by the medicines. And Tina would be able to participate in some activities if Ashley would allow and naturally act as a support person for her sister.
Emma, Bette’s personal assistant, had contacted Tina as well and laid out the extensive travel plans, housing arrangements and other details about their stay in London for the next several months. Since they weren’t local residents in London, Bette had offered the sisters the use of a residence on her family estate for their entire stay.
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Thanks for the chapter… has James slipped up and allowed a little more information than Bette wanted out?
“But she sends her well wishes and I know she’s excited that you’re both finally here and Ashley’s in the program. I’m sure you’ll see her soon.”
The phrase “you’re both finally here and Ashley’s in the program”? I presume that Tina’s meeting with Bette earlier this week was to Tina’s knowledge the first time Bette had information as to the seriousness of Ashley’s illness. So, to finally be in England and in the program would indicate that Bette has prior knowledge of Ashley’s condition than the meeting earlier that week. And if she had prior knowledge and wanted to help, what has taken so long to contact Tina or Ashley? It kind of makes all that conversation in New York a little deceitful when she starts off with “Why are you here?” Bette knows why Tina is there yet she’s hiding that. It is obvious that Bette wants to avoid personal contact and conversations for a while, but it should become obvious to Tina that Bette has known about Ashley for a while. I’m sure that future chapters will make all of this clear.
Thanks for the update…
Thanks for your support & your comment.
Appreciate your insight.
Ok, now we’re getting somewhere.
Interesting chapter as some of the details start to be revealed.
Beside her concern for her sister and supporting Ashley in anynand every way she can, Tina is all focused on Bette and exploring what could happen between them once again.
Thankfully, Tina gave the boot to Lynn – as if she ever had a chance.
Thanks for the update.
Hey, glad your happy with the way things are playing out & that the Kennards have finally arrived in London.
Agree that Tina will actively pursue Bette & take no prisoner!!
Lynn needed to go & fast!!
Finally London !
I’m sure that Tina will still be disappointed with Bette’s attitude because she will do everything to avoid her even if she receives her guests like princesses…
I think Helena and James will really have to take matters into their own hands and “provoke” THE discussion !
Can’t wait for next chapter and maybe the mission “Save Bette and Tina” !
Agree with you in these points!!
All in for James and Helena pushing Bette to speak honestly with Tina.
I think Bette may be “out thinking” her own self trying to keep Tina from learning of her own medical treatments . . . AND from trying to submerge latent desire to avoid contact (physical & soul-to-soul).
Her careful plans to avoid & obscure may be unraveled. We’ll see.
James & Helena may become a persuasive duo!!!
Hey, sorry for the super late response, but life has gotten in the way of writing.
Think you may be onto something with thinking that Bette may be ‘unraveled’!!!
Like you dynamic duo of James & Helena!!
See ya next chapter.
Thanks for the support!!
Hey gal,
Thanks for reading & commenting.
I think Bette’s desire to see more of Tina will force her to go against her judgement to avoid the blonde.
Agree about James & Helena pushing & pushing!!
I like you mission!!!! Great idea!!!!
I’ve been t o London a few times too on business trips. Love the city and all its history. Always so much to see.
Gotta talk to my boss about another trtip soon!
Great update and anxious to get Tina meeting up with Bette again.
Hopefully Ashley’s successful with the treatments and she’ll recover soon.
London is in my top 5 cities in the world. Love it there & agree with you about so much to see!
Hope you get bac there soon.
Tina will see Bette very, very soon.
Loved the details and how the treatment plan will work. Ashley finally has some real hope.
I’m sure Tina won’t let her small disappointment with not seeing Bette immediately stop her from her goal of reconciliation.
Yes, would love to have James and Helena positively influence Bette into finally talking to Tina.
I’m so excited for what comes next!
Agree – Tina’s too determined to not actively pursue Bette. She’s all in!
So true – ALL IN!!!
Thought it was important to get some particulars about the medical treatment out in the open & then move forward.
TK is one determined woman & know what she wants – Bette.
Next chapter before Xmas!!
Glad to see Ashley is starting the treatment plan. Hoping this all works out for her.
Love how Tina ended it with Lynn, and how she seems to be all in for Bette. For sure Ashley would love for Bette & Tina to find their way back together. Don’t we all…lol
Thanks for the update!
Please forgive the late reply, but been busy with life.
Thanks for your support & your faith in me.
Hope to have an update before Xmas.
Take care of yourself.
Now the story is really getting interesting, especially with some much at stake.
Wonder when Bette will show up and how she’ll react to Tina.
Agree with many others about James and Helena helping to persuade Bette to talk with Tina.
Agree that we’re getting to the heart of the story & how the future will unfold.
Bette & Tina will meet up soon.
Thanks for following along.
Great chapter.
Like Westy said, I liked how Tina ended it with Lynn – it was long overdue.
It was well over due with ending things with Lynn. Time to move on.
Great chapter!
I agree with all the comments above.
Bette is trying to avoid Tina but she can’t run forever especially if Helena and James will help Tina and keep pressuring Bette to stop running away from Tina and actually talk with her.
Hey friend,
It’s been a while – but I’m sure you can understand why.
Agree that Bette can’t run forever & will continue to find herself under TK’s spell once more.
Hope all is well.
Chat soon.