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    "It is private..Inside!" Xena laughed lightly. "Welcome to my world," she said with a touch of sadness. "Let’s give them something juicy for the morning papers shall we?" Xena said with a devilish smile.

    She backed Bette slowly up towards the limo obviously intending to kiss her in front of all the paparazzi but Bette had had enough of being pushed around. She grabbed Xena by the shoulders and swung her around at the last moment, pressing her hard against the side door. "I believe it’s my turn," Bette said smugly grabbing Xena by the head and pulling her down for a breathtaking kiss. Bette recalled the look of astonishment on Xena’s face just before she claimed her lips. Bette wanted a little payback for the kiss earlier in her room and this was the perfect way to get it. She took full posession of Xena’s lips and when she heard her moan, she took advantage and quickly slid her tongue inside exploring the interior. They both came to their senses when they heard a loud wolf whistle from the crowd.

    Pulling apart Xena looked confused for an instant before she slipped back into her public persona and waved at the crowd. Security hustled them quickly inside where they stopped just inside the door to catch their breath. They certainly made a stunning couple in their full length gowns, Xena in bright red and Bette clothed all in black. Xena flashed her another killer smile and grabbed her hand, "Good move Porter. I’m not easily surprised," she said as they made their way to their host.

    "Really?" Bette said and slid her hand down to cup Xena’s ass. She chuckled when she noticed the blush appear on Xena’s cheeks. "So the dragon lady is human after all," Bette thought.

    They made the rounds, speaking with so many people that Bette soon gave up trying to remember any names. Xena simply introduced her as Bette and gave no explanations to anyone. Bette was impressed by Xena’s behaviour and how she stayed by her side all evening. She was a very attentive companion. Xena finally took Bette to the rooms that held the artwork she was interested in acquiring and asked her opinion on everything. Bette decided that the woman was paying good money for her opinion so she didn’t bother to mince words. She quickly categorized what was important and what wasn’t and Xena listened to her words carefully. "Do you need me to make a report?" Bette said as she outlined yet again the reasons a particular piece was substandard in her opinion.

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    1. Oh God! You don’t know how ecstatically happy I was to see a new post for this story! I was having a really horrible day, until I just popped online to see who updated what story and found this one!!! It made me smile, instantly. Thank you so much for posting today. And thanks a million for letting Bette give Xena a little of her own medicine. These ladies are too friggin HOT for words! I love this story! Please, keep doing a great job. I stay on the end of my seat every time I read a new chapter, waiting for what’s going to happen next! =)

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