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    "No, I’ve already recorded it up here," Xena said tapping her brow. "You’ve done well for me this evening."


    Bette smiled at the compliment, "Well you are paying me very well," she said.

    Xena’s smile faded to a tight line, "Yes, yes I am. Money does make the world go round, doesn’t it."

    Bette realized she had hit a nerve, "That’s a little cynical isn’t it? Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying this evening? And I haven’t thanked you adequately for the gown."

    Xena smiled again, "No, not yet but the evening is young," Xena said approaching Bette with a gleam in her eye."

    Bette held up her hands to prevent Xena from reaching her. Palms out she laughed, "I don’t think you want your friends to see you kissing a member of your staff," Bette said offering an excuse.

    Xena looked down at Bette’s extended palms that were chest high and purposely walked into them, so Bette was cupping her breasts. Bette inhaled sharply but didn’t remove her hands. Well if it doesn’t bother me to have them see you fondle me like this, what’s a little kiss?" she said devilishly as she leaned down to capture Bette’s lips. "Besides isn’t it my turn?" she mumbled against Bette’s lips before softly pressing a kiss onto Bette. "Tag, you’re it! Is that not what they say in America?" Xena smiled innocently.

    "Kissing tag? You want to play kissing tag with me?

    "Actually I want to play clit tag with our tongues but this is not the place, No?" Xena said shockingly into Bette’s ear before walking away. Bette couldn’t breathe for a moment with the image that had popped in her head at Xena’s words.

    Xena returned with a drink for Bette. "Recovered?" she asked smugly.

    Bette smiled, "Barely"

    Xena laughed lightly, "I can’t remember enjoying anyone’s company this much in, well never!" Xena admitted. "I find you very compelling Miss Porter"

    "Well, I thank you for the compliment and when you’re being nice, you are pleasant company as well," Bette said demurely.

    "Pleasant? You find me just pleasant?" Xena asked with raised eyebrows.

    "Are you fishing for compliments Miss Amphipolis?" Bette asked, sipping her drink. "I might be able to come up with something more suitable, if I think about it long enough." Bette said thoughtfully.

    Xena motioned a waiter over and gave him her empty glass. Bette reached over and placed her’s on it as well. Grabbing Bette’s hand she led her through the crowd to their host.

    "Leaving so soon Xena?" the flamboyant gentleman in front of them flounced.

    "Yes Henri, we have to get back. Thank you for a wonderful evening. Jessica will get back to you with the details for the items I want."

    Bette started to thank the host but Xena pulled her quickly towards the exit. "Shouldn’t you call for your limo before we go out?" Bette said amused by Xena’s rush to leave. Xena looked at Bette’s mouth and then her glance slid down to Bette’s heaving chest.

    "I want you," Xena said simply.

    Bette realized that Xena was giving her the opportunity to stop now before things progressed any further. Bette smiled "I suppose we could hail a cab?"


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    1. Oh God! You don’t know how ecstatically happy I was to see a new post for this story! I was having a really horrible day, until I just popped online to see who updated what story and found this one!!! It made me smile, instantly. Thank you so much for posting today. And thanks a million for letting Bette give Xena a little of her own medicine. These ladies are too friggin HOT for words! I love this story! Please, keep doing a great job. I stay on the end of my seat every time I read a new chapter, waiting for what’s going to happen next! =)

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