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    Pieces of Time, Chapter I

    “Sorry Bette! Little dude here seems to be very hyper today and he’s tiring me to the bone!”

    “That’s my boy.”

    “So what’s up sis?”

    “I have to ask of a huge favour from you?”

    “What  might that be?”

    “Angie..neither me nor T can pick her up from school, so we were wondering if you could?”

    “Uh, sure sis, sure. I’ll pick Boo up from school.”

    “Thank you so much Kit. Tina will be by after work to pick them both up.”

    “Sounds great. Talk soon!”

    I hang the phone up and quickly text Tina informing her that Kit can pick our daughter up from school. When I finally lay my phone down I lean my body back into my chair and stare up at the ceiling above me.

    My body slowly rises from the chair once again when I hear my office door open and James appears.

    “Uh, Bette.. line 2.”

    “Who is it?” I ask sighing.

    “It’s Charles Shaw, art director.”



    “Just tell him to give me a moment.”

    “Ok.” James says shutting the door behind him.

    “I’m here!” I call out as I enter Kit’s house.

    “Mommy!” Cole comes running towards me with force.

    “Hey my little guy! Are you happy to see me?” I ask with a smile.

    “Yeah!!” He says nodding his head in excitement.

    “Where’s your sister and Auntie Kit?”

    “We are right here baby girl.” Kit says. “Just getting her off her cellular device.”

    I hear Kit as she pops from behind the corner followed by Angie.

    “Angie, what have I told you about the usage of your cell phone? You know we gave you that thing just so we can be in contact with you.”

    “Yes, Mom. I already know. And I’m sorry, its just Amber’s birthday is soon and we were planning on going swimming at the local beach.”

    “You are thirteen years old, places like that requires you to ask permission from both me and your Mama B.”

    “And that I was going to do Mama. So can I?”

    “We’ll talk about it at home.”

    “Kids today hun.” Kit says to me while handing me Cole’s backpack of toys.

    We walk to the car and I place Cole inside his booster seat while Angelica takes the front seat and buckles herself in.


    1. This chapter was something he especially TiBette divorced, I can not believe that !!!! Please give him a chance of love between TiBette, they have a lot of passion but please give them love !!!! you gave me sad chapter !! Hopefully this story of a positive turn and find love them !!! third parties who want to separate TiBette hopefully not appear !!!! more love please. Thank you for this story.

    2. I like your story, especially when these two can’t deny that deep down they love each other even though they keep splitting and reuniting, I look forward for updates, and please keep writing, it looks promising

      Thank you

    3. How could i have missed this story!

      Please continue and like the others, bring them back together asap.

      When do they realize they are meant together for eternity.

      Great start. Look forward for the rest of the story!

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