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    Pieces of Time, Chapter I

    “They are all packed in this box that I had stored in the hall closet because I haven’t gotten the chance to put them into a photo album yet.” She says and I watch her while she removes other objects in the box and places them out on the table in front of her.

    “I’m gonna go finish the rest of my homework kay? I’ll be back down after Mama B!” My head turns to look at Angie walking away after her statement.

    “Ok Angel!” I call out responding back to her.

    “How about you go watch the rest of your show sweetie?” Tina says looking down at Cole.

    “Mama T and I will be in after ok, little man?” I say to Cole looking down at him.

    He nods his head then runs off into living room.

    “So how has your day been?” I ask while I lean against the chair and stare at her.

    “It has been horrible with the heat waves. Not to mention stupid production managers that have got me driven to the edge. Today has just been a busy running around day. How about yours?”

    “The gallery has been very busy lately, meetings have been numbered to them being every damn minute of every hour.. so lets just say it has been a busy day too.”

    I hear a happy chuckle escape Tina’s mouth before she starts speaking. “Look at this photo.” She says with a smile.

    I look at the photo she is holding in her hands.

    I step closer to get a closer view of the photo.

    “That’s the day Cole was born.” I say smiling wide.

    “God, that was four years ago.” She says.

    “I remember it like it was yesterday.”


    “How far are you from the house?” Tina says trying to calm her voice.

    “T? What is it? What’s wrong?” Bette asks concerned as she pulls into the driveway of their house.

    “How far are you? Just tell me!” Tina still trying to sound as calm as she can says into the phone.

    She then hears the phone line go dead. “Bette?! Hello!?”

    “I’m here! What’s wrong T!?”

    Tina’s head bolts up to look towards the opened door to see Bette standing there with a worried facial expression.


    1. This chapter was something he especially TiBette divorced, I can not believe that !!!! Please give him a chance of love between TiBette, they have a lot of passion but please give them love !!!! you gave me sad chapter !! Hopefully this story of a positive turn and find love them !!! third parties who want to separate TiBette hopefully not appear !!!! more love please. Thank you for this story.

    2. I like your story, especially when these two can’t deny that deep down they love each other even though they keep splitting and reuniting, I look forward for updates, and please keep writing, it looks promising

      Thank you

    3. How could i have missed this story!

      Please continue and like the others, bring them back together asap.

      When do they realize they are meant together for eternity.

      Great start. Look forward for the rest of the story!

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