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    Pieces of Time, Chapter I

    “And Angie is now thirteen. I honestly have no idea where time is going.” I say shaking my head.

    “Me either. So have you ate yet?”

    “Yeah, I picked something up at the restaurant around the corner.”

    “Still not learning how to cook meals, Bette?”

    “You seem to feed me from time to time, so I believe I’ll survive Ms. Kennard.” I say chuckling.

    She laughs back. “I’ve been feeding your butt for too many years. Would you like some coffee?”

    “That would be great, thanks. You aren’t sick of feeding me yet.. are you?” I ask with a grin.

    “You’ve just proven to me that all those years I called you a child, it’s now proof that you are. I feed you just as much as our kids.”

    “Hey, that’s not very nice.” I say chuckling.

    “Well it’s true.” She says rolling her eyes and chuckling still.

    “You would feel so bad if you never fed me.”

    “Are you implying that I’ll have to feed you for the rest of my life or I’ll feel bad?”

    “That is exactly what I am implying T.”

    “Give me a break.” Tina says rolling her eyes again and walking away into the kitchen.

    I follow behind her and prop myself up on the counter.

    “What did I tell you about getting onto the counter?”

    “I believe you tell Angie that.” I say.

    “This hasn’t been the first time sitting your ass up on that counter.” She says grabbing the teabags from the cupboard above her.

    “I don’t count.”

    “You don’t count?” She says with a raised brow.

    “I’m an adult.”

    “ are the biggest child I’ve ever met, now move I need the kettle that’s between your legs.”

    “Do you now?” I say before blocking the cupboard below me by crossing my legs over.

    “Bette.” She says with annoyance in her voice that drives my body crazy.

    I move my legs and then quickly wrap her in them and pull her close.

    “Bette!” She says looking around her. “The kids.”

    “They are busy.”

    “You have to stop this, one day our daughter is going to see it for herself.”

    “See what?”

    “See that her mothers even though they aren’t together anymore and haven’t been for 3 years now. Still have that affection and then we are going to have her believing that we are getting back together, when we aren’t.”


    1. This chapter was something he especially TiBette divorced, I can not believe that !!!! Please give him a chance of love between TiBette, they have a lot of passion but please give them love !!!! you gave me sad chapter !! Hopefully this story of a positive turn and find love them !!! third parties who want to separate TiBette hopefully not appear !!!! more love please. Thank you for this story.

    2. I like your story, especially when these two can’t deny that deep down they love each other even though they keep splitting and reuniting, I look forward for updates, and please keep writing, it looks promising

      Thank you

    3. How could i have missed this story!

      Please continue and like the others, bring them back together asap.

      When do they realize they are meant together for eternity.

      Great start. Look forward for the rest of the story!

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