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    Pieces of Time, Chapter I

    I pull her into my arms and give her the biggest kiss on the cheek. “My little artist. I’m so proud of you my Angel!”

    I pull away and then let Tina embrace her.

    “Yes, I am so proud of you too baby. We both are so very very proud of you. You are definitely your Mama B’s child.”

    I smile at the two embracing and Tina’s words.

    “Don’t you usually need someones consent before applying to things such as that?” I ask her.

    “Yeah.” She says.

    “Who did you use?” Tina asks glancing at me before looking back at Angelica.

    “I promised I wouldn’t say because she’s scared. She’s scared you two will be upset at her for not telling you guys.”

    “That’s such a silly thing. We are so proud of you for doing this, it’s what you love so we aren’t going to be upset.” I say with a smile.

    “It was Alice.”

    “That’s your earth mother for you.” Tina says smiling.

    “Can you believe our daughter?” I say to Tina as we walk down the hall pass the kids rooms after shutting the door to Cole’s bedroom.

    “I must say, she totally shocked me today.”

    “I just can’t believe she loves her art that much to pay for her own and apply to a competition..”

    “Let’s put it this way, she has her Mama B’s talent and competitive side.” Tina says while giving me a wink.

    “Don’t forget our daughter has your gorgeous looks and smarts.”

    “Are you trying to compliment me, Porter?”

    “You know it.” I say to her with a chuckle and a wink back.

    I watch as she runs her hand through her thin blonde hair and takes a lose piece of it that dangles down across her eye and folds it behind her ear.

    “Look..” I pause. “I know how you feel about us continuing the sex..I understand that we shouldn’t have took it as far as we took it. I know the two of us will never be one again but maybe it was us realizing that and it was just lust at the moments of passion.”

    “I do believe we should stop but..” Tina lingers.

    I look at her as she pauses her words. I search her to see if she will continue but before I can say another word, I feel her lips press against mine and her body closing with mine.

    She walks my body further down the hall to her bedroom, our lips still locked into a passionate kiss.

    All my thoughts erase and focus on her actions to my body.

    I feel her hands grip my blouse and pull apart the buttons to expose my chest.

    My body moves backward and I follow her footsteps as I walk to her steps that guide me. I feel my body loose balance and I fall back onto the bed with her body that climbs on top of mine, she runs her tongue down my chest as she slips her hand down my dress pants.


    1. This chapter was something he especially TiBette divorced, I can not believe that !!!! Please give him a chance of love between TiBette, they have a lot of passion but please give them love !!!! you gave me sad chapter !! Hopefully this story of a positive turn and find love them !!! third parties who want to separate TiBette hopefully not appear !!!! more love please. Thank you for this story.

    2. I like your story, especially when these two can’t deny that deep down they love each other even though they keep splitting and reuniting, I look forward for updates, and please keep writing, it looks promising

      Thank you

    3. How could i have missed this story!

      Please continue and like the others, bring them back together asap.

      When do they realize they are meant together for eternity.

      Great start. Look forward for the rest of the story!

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