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    Revelations Chapter 3 PART B


    Tina shifted again so she could run her hands down over Bette’s abdomen and lower into her soft curls, dipping into the moist recesses triumphantly. Tongues battling, Tina whispered truthfully, "I want to swallow you love… I want to taste you… I want to fuck you," she said as she slid down Bette’s body stopping to bite and chew on one of Bette’s tight nipples. "Arghhh" Tina growled as she made her way south.

    PART B

    Tina wanted to erase all traces of the nightmare from Bette’s mind. Her love’s obvious vulnerability was heart wrenching to see so Tina felt very inspired to please her. Bette arched up to meet Tina’s groping mouth and hands, lost in her lover’s touch. Tina finally reached her prize and lovingly slipped Bette’s engorged clit into her mouth, laving it gently with her tongue, sighing in contentment.

    She eased her fingers though Bette’s slick folds searching for her destination then slowly inserted a finger deep inside Bette’s center. She held her hand still having penetrated her love as far as she could reach. She could feel Bette trying to arch upwards to drive Tina in even deeper. Tina smiled against Bette’s clit,"I can’t go any further love but maybe this is what you really need," she said as she extracted her finger and added two more, plunging back inside Bette’s waiting orifice.

    Bette bucked upwards eagerly accepting the invasion and begging for more. Tina pumped strongly, each time pulling back to her finger tips before thrusting forcefully back inside Bette’s waiting body.

    "Ahhh, That’s it, Fuck me T, God that feels so FUCKING good!" Bette panted wantonly, arching up off the mattress. She leaned back onto her elbows throwing her head back in sheer ectasy.

    "Tina looked up smiling wickedly. "Do you like that love, Do you like it when I fuck you?" she asked rhetorically, rubbing Bette’s clit with her lips. Bette swung her head back up at Tina’s erotic words so she could watch the woman she loved.

    Tina latched back onto Bette’s clit nibbling none to gently on the extended nub causing Bette to scream in delight, "Argghhh" Tina growled again.

    She could feel Bette’s body tighten as her orgasm approached and she concentrated on finishing her lover off powerfully. She curled her fingers up slipping a fourth finger inside Bette, filling her completly. "Cum for me Bette, Cum now! I want to taste your juices. Please love, please don’t hold back anything, I want it all," Tina confessed as she bit down on Bette’s pulsating clit.

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    1. I like that Bette opens up to Tina, and that Tina is understanding. CLS, how could you leave it where you did with Tina on her stomach…argghhh. Is Bette going to get kinky or romantic, maybe both? ;) PPVS!

    2. no no no no NO!!! why do u stop there – you did it again, u are such a tease!:)(of course, we wouldn`t want it any other way..). that was a beautiful chapter – loved the little insight in bettes past and for sure the action on the hallway floor!!PPVVVVVS – thanks:)

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