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    The arrival

    Tina was dreading this move to LA, she knew the actors were only going to be worse than previous actors she had worked with just because they were ‘LA actors’. The blonde had heard horror stories but this was going to be her big break, she couldn’t let it go just because it would be a tougher working environment. She was also nervous about moving her eight month old baby to a new state, not wanting to unsettle her but she had to do this for both of their futures. Tina thrived being a single parent, she had always wanted a family. Doing it alone was terrifying but she knew she was born to be a mother once Angie settled down.

    After a long weekend of settling in, Tina had her first day on the job. She had left Angelica with her new nanny, heading to the train station to catch her train. She didn’t expect the most gorgeous brunette to catch her eye that day but she wasn’t about to complain. However, as soon as Tina sat down and started a conversation with the brunette, she soon smelt the strong scent of alcohol coming from Bette. Clearly, Bette was going through some troubles which almost shocked the woman. Even in Bette’s state, she looked immaculate. Though, she wouldn’t bring it up- it wasn’t any of her business.

    As soon as her stop approached, Tina was standing on the platform, walking away from the most sweetest encounter. The blonde smiled to herself, walking outside of the station and towards her new work space. Even as her day progressed, Tina’s mind kept absentmindedly wondering about Bette, the woman who made her morning a little less stressful. She couldn’t understand it, Tina had met her for only a short period of time and yet she had made such an impact that the blonde was counting down the hours to see Bette again.

    As soon as the clock turned to 6:45pm, Tina was the first employee out of the door and rushed her way through the crowds of people to get the 7pm train. She breathed out hard once she reached the correct platform, watching as the train pulled in, a smile on her face. Tina stepped onto it as soon as the doors opened, her eyes scanning to find the seat Bette was previously sat on.

    Her heart fluttered, the brunette sat nearest to the window, looking out as if she was trying to find someone in the crowd, that someone being Tina. The blonde quickly walked down the aisle, stopping and sliding into the seat next to Bette, making the brunette turn quickly. “Tina-“ she breathed out, that big beautiful smile forming on her lips. “I made it!” Tina said enthusiastically, cursing herself after since she felt like she sounded ridiculous. “I’m so glad you did” Bette replied, her eyes staring deeply into the blonde’s.

    Bette quickly cleared her throat “so, how was your day? How was work?” She said, the smile never faltering. Tina nodded, a hum leaving her lips “yeah, no – it was great. I mean, it was pretty overwhelming but I’m excited to get started and actually get to filming the project” Tina said softly, offering the same smile in return. “Good, I’m glad. At least you can relax tonight, put your feet up” Bette said with a chuckle.

    Tina shook her head almost instantly “oh I wish, I have a baby to look after as soon as I get home. The nanny will need a good evening off” she stated and chuckled. As soon as Tina mentioned a baby, Bette’s heart raced. “A baby?” She stuttered almost immediately, Bette wanting to know all about the little one and their mother. “Yeah- I have a daughter. She just has me and I just have her. We made a beautiful little family and it’s more than I could ask for. She’s called Angelica, she’s honestly perfect” Tina said, her eyes full of love as she spoke about her. Bette’s smile only grew wider, leaning in more since she was swooning over Tina gush about her little girl.

    Bette’s past always haunted her, the thought of a baby was almost too perfect. Tina had caught her eye and now she was even more certain that she needed to win Tina over. She just needed to figure out how to get closer.


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