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    Marshall Daniel's Boarding School For Girls – (Chapter: Chapter 17 Our Music)


    Gage and Kelly drag Ashley up the steps of the stage and I do mean drag. Ashley is still screaming at the retreating Samantha but once Gage and Kelly get her center stage I walk over to her.

    Spencer: “Ashley, baby, it’s okay. Let’s go upstairs.” I place both hands softly on her bare shoulders and she responds immediately. Her shoulders slump a little and she bows her head letting her tight fists allow blood in them. She turns around to look at me and I’m very aware of the packed auditorium watching our every move.

    I give Gage and Kelly the nod and they leave me to tend to Ashley

    Ashley: “I’m sorry.” She says before she takes me in her arms. I rub her back trying to calm her more as she buries her neck in my shoulder.

    Spencer: “It’s okay, Ash.”

    Ashley: “I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”

    Spencer: “It fine.”

    Ashley: “She just drives me crazy. She did this hurt me, I know she did this to hurt me!”

    Spencer: “But she can’t.”

    Ashley: “She’ll try!”

    Spencer: “But she can’t, remember—‘you can dance every dance with the guy who gives you the eye
    let him hold you tight.” I whisper in her ear and she giggles into my neck as I force us to sway to my singing. “You can smile every smile for the man who held your hand ‘neath the pale moonlight, but don’t forget who’s taking you home and in whose arms you’re gonna be, so darlin’ save the last dance for me, mmmm. Your turn.”

    She looks up at me with her big brown loving eyes as she cups my face and strokes my hair.

    Ashley: “Oh, I know that the music’s fine like sparkling wine go and have your fun.” We sway a little more as her voice gets stronger. “Laugh and sing, but while we’re apart don’t give your heart to anyone, but don’t forget who’s taking you home and in whose arms you’re gonna be, so darlin’ save the last dance for me, mmmm”

    The crowd before us picks up on our singing as Ashley starts to twirl me.

    Ashley: “Baby, don’t you know I love you so, can’t you feel it when we touch, I will never, never let you go, I love you oh so much.” She stops my twirling to hold me close to her as the crowd claps and cheers.

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    1. dude finally….im like a stix-a-holic by leaving up this page making sure to refresh it every 5 minutes waiting for u 2 put this up! thanx 4 updating lol pms… and by soon i mean like 2morow,maybe, so i can let this addictive cycle continue

    2. i legit squealed when i saw an update. this story is my addiction. like im checking my computer more than i should to look for an update. i cant help it i love it!!!

    3. ahhhh! I don’t know if I can survive this torture. this story is so freaking brilliant. although I’ve told you that about a million times already. this one was just too cute with all the spashley, and top it off with some hotness.. yea! lol jersey. nice one. so amazing stix keep it up hun. I worship you eternally!

    4. can we skip friday and go straight to saturday??!! i loved the emotion in this chapter! poor ashley, that sucks about her ex… hopefully sam won’t pull anything on spencer… and if she does hopefully spencer won’t buy it… the girls are so freakin adorable together!! thanks for updating! i can’t wait for the next chapter… the dates should be interesting!

    5. *drools* fuck stix. that wont work you worshiping me! cause there can be only one god in this stalkerish relationship and that’s you! and besides i rather i worship u in person. rawr.

    6. okay well i just recently got back from vacation lol i have a lot to catch up on but i finaly caught up on your stories and they were all awsome lol your mom got uncomfortable? lol do you think she would get uncomfortable if i said that you must be a sex goddess to be able to write things like this lol or that id so be your sex slave lol what would make her uncomfortable lol :) jk jk but i have a lot to catch up on so ttyl lol :) great job :) so hot :) pms please

    7. man I just love this story SO much!!! and this was obviously an awesome chapter I mean who wouldn’t love 9 pages of spashley!! I look very forward to reading the next chapter!!!

    8. so..unlike ashley and spencer, I don’t think any of us reading this story would be able to wait if we ever met you in person. I’m pretty sure there would never be close and we’d be QUITE exhausted all the’d be a marathon hahaha

    9. oh there was something else I forgot to say! .. I really have to give you props because.. When it comes to spashley I tend to be all about the chase and usually lose interest after the girls get together and are happy (I know it’s bad) but youre one of the few authors who I still crave to read!! Both your stories have me checking the site to see if you’ve posted more than is healthy haha.. So anyways.. thankyou

    10. i’m in love with this story if i could marry it…wait no that is weird i’ll just save it to a disk sounds much better haha thank you for writing it i love all the characters and actions and conversations haha pms

    11. yay… i just read like your last five upbdates after a breif stint in hell and let me say… aww i love these. im anxiously waiting your next update

    12. Now I’m at a disadvantage..I live in England and as your updates are literally in the middle of the night for me I’m always a late commenter so don’t take it as a sign that I don’t read your updates as soon as I switch my pooter on in the morning cos I do….Then it’s always a debate whether to read it real fast to find out what happens or to take it slow and savour every word…hard and fast or soft and slow…hard and fast….you get the idea *smirk* So I usually go for a combination ya know…mix it up a bit!! However, that leads me into reading every chapter at least twice..can’t get too much of a good thing *wink*!! Anyway, loved this chapter…didn’t realise Ash had something so deep in her past but it does make total sense that she and Gage are such good friends. Now this Sam sounds like a whole loada trouble!! Seems like Spencer and Ash are on solid ground so shouldn’t be a problem but you never know what dirty tricks are going to be pulled…that goes for all the girls….I hoping we get to sit in on all the dates as I love the OC’s so much…I couldn’t choose between them if you asked me!! Loving this, loving you and literally can’t wait for the next chapter as always!!! Hi Stix’s mum!!

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