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    Growing Up – (Chapter: Flying)


                “I wanted to tell you too.”  She whispers the disclosure almost to herself and it nearly escapes unheard.


                “You knew then too?” 


                “Ash, don’t be stupid!  I’ve known since sophomore year.  I’ve known since the moment I met you.  We were only friends because I couldn’t lose you all together, so I just kinda put my feelings aside and hoped one day everything would work out.”


                “So now you have the chance.  We can work this out.  Why can’t we try?”


                “Because it’s different now.  The love hasn’t changed, but the situation has and this last year has only proven how fragile things can be.  I don’t wanna risk losing you again.”


                “So you’re scared to take the chance?”

                “N-” She begins to reply but immediately she catches herself to reflect on my words.  “I guess.”  She admits dejectedly.  Grabbing her hands again and tightening the grip, I draw her attention to me.


                “We’ll never know what we’re capable of if we spend our whole lives running away from each other.”


                “I know, but-”


                “Spence, it’s not in my power to let you go again.  I’ve made that mistake how many times this year?”  She shrugs.  “A LOT!  And it ends now.  I’ve denied feelings.  I’ve run from you.  I’ve pushed you away.  I’ve pretend to be alright when I’m not.  But now here we are.  I can’t deny or run from what we have here, from what I feel for you.  It’s just too strong.”


                “Who are you and what have you done with Ashley?”  What she doesn’t know is that I am just as shocked by the words pouring freely from my heart.


                “I don’t know.  But I like this version of me better.  You know why?  Because I will never wonder ‘what if’ I had told you how I felt about you when I had the chance.  I’ve finally done some growing up.”


                “I can see that,” She smiles genuinely at me as she speaks, “I’m glad.”



                “That’s it?”  Somehow I had expected an answer a little more elaborate than that.



                “No that’s not it.”  I unconsciously edge closer to her in hopes that physical proximity would equate with a quickened answer.  “I have this really annoying teacher for English that-”


                SPENCER!”  Grabbing the closest pillow, I whip it at her with all the force I can muster.  “That’s not funny!  Answer!”  Laughing through gritted teeth, trying desperately to convey seriousness, I yell at her half-heartedly.


                “What’s not funny?  I’m just trying to tell you about my class!”  The sarcasm just oozes from her voice and if I did not feel like a twelve year old girl with her crush, I might have found it in my heart to be mad at her. 


                “Spencer, please answer me.”


                “Let’s give it a chance.” 


                I may die of happiness, but I don’t care.


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    1. Yes caseygurl, this story is YOURS! YOURS! YOURS! lol As it certainly should be. And you have every right to be damn proud of it because it’s a pleasure reading it. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapters. So go crazy!

    2. OMG FINALLY!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU! OH man…I was litterally on the edge of my seat, and then shen she started talking about her professor! I’m glad Ash threw a pillow at her! LMAO! Caseygurl you have truly done it this time! I loved it! This story is just getting better and better, so seeing a post VERY SOON would keep me insane for awhile. ;-)

    3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. I am so glad that you are finally posting again. You are like the ultimate supreme master of fan fic Caseygurl. Every story you right is amazing. I was part of the happy dancing crowd that others seem to be involved in when i saw that you posted. This is seriously like my favorite fic. Post more soon. sooner than soon. Did I mention i love this fic?

    4. you will always have a place here casey girl!!! and for good reason! this story is absolutly amazing! great great great great great update! im so happy these girls are giving it a shot. wow im happy. post more soon!

    5. I read this ages ago and then saw you posted it on the Spash Forum, and had to reread. Such an epic. So well articulated. So believeable. Thanks so much for sharing this! :)PS. I totally cried this time around, lol

    6. Procrastination is a good thing for some people. Rather than clean my house, I jump online and surf for a while… I think “I’ll check out SONonline” and wander the message boards for a while.. then I think “I’ll check out the Fanfic, see if Caseygurl is back yet”. I don’t really believe that I’ll find a new part of Growing Up.. I mean, it’s been so long… not one post.. TWO new posts… 2 new, never-before-read-by-me chapters to a caseygurl story!!Hence.. procrastination is a good thing.I’ve said it before.. but I LOVE the way you write.I’m hoping that this story isn’t actually all done now… but if it were to end here, that’d be okay, since we got a fitting ending.[PLEASE DO NOT END THE STORY HERE!]

    7. Yes caseygurl, this story is YOURS! YOURS! YOURS! lol As it certainly should be. And you have every right to be damn proud of it because it’s a pleasure reading it. I am eagerly awaiting the next chapters. So go crazy!

    8. OMG FINALLY!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU! OH man…I was litterally on the edge of my seat, and then shen she started talking about her professor! I’m glad Ash threw a pillow at her! LMAO! Caseygurl you have truly done it this time! I loved it! This story is just getting better and better, so seeing a post VERY SOON would keep me insane for awhile. ;-)

    9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. I am so glad that you are finally posting again. You are like the ultimate supreme master of fan fic Caseygurl. Every story you right is amazing. I was part of the happy dancing crowd that others seem to be involved in when i saw that you posted. This is seriously like my favorite fic. Post more soon. sooner than soon. Did I mention i love this fic?

    10. you will always have a place here casey girl!!! and for good reason! this story is absolutly amazing! great great great great great update! im so happy these girls are giving it a shot. wow im happy. post more soon!

    11. I read this ages ago and then saw you posted it on the Spash Forum, and had to reread. Such an epic. So well articulated. So believeable. Thanks so much for sharing this! :)PS. I totally cried this time around, lol

    12. Procrastination is a good thing for some people. Rather than clean my house, I jump online and surf for a while… I think “I’ll check out SONonline” and wander the message boards for a while.. then I think “I’ll check out the Fanfic, see if Caseygurl is back yet”. I don’t really believe that I’ll find a new part of Growing Up.. I mean, it’s been so long… not one post.. TWO new posts… 2 new, never-before-read-by-me chapters to a caseygurl story!!Hence.. procrastination is a good thing.I’ve said it before.. but I LOVE the way you write.I’m hoping that this story isn’t actually all done now… but if it were to end here, that’d be okay, since we got a fitting ending.[PLEASE DO NOT END THE STORY HERE!]

    13. i absolutely love ur story..i kno i havent commented in what seems like yrs..but theres an explanation to why i havent been commenting..i been like a behind the scenes reader for the past couple months…yea the explanation is in a comment on clomle44’s story..umm i forgot what its called but its the last post..i dont feel like re explaining my life story again…alright post more it..oh yea and sorry about ur dog..i read that in the post a couple weeks ago…alrightmuch love..peace

    14. i absolutely love ur story..i kno i havent commented in what seems like yrs..but theres an explanation to why i havent been commenting..i been like a behind the scenes reader for the past couple months…yea the explanation is in a comment on clomle44’s story..umm i forgot what its called but its the last post..i dont feel like re explaining my life story again…alright post more it..oh yea and sorry about ur dog..i read that in the post a couple weeks ago…alrightmuch love..peace

    15. I am clearly not alone in my “Aw yeah do a little dance” mode. I have just worked 14 hours straight and you put a smile RIGHT on my face. You are awesome in so many ways. I have to go and add some kind of token to the altar I made to you. Do you want a plant or animal sacrifice? I have a girlfriend lying around here, I’m sure she won’t mind if it will make you post faster…

    16. I am clearly not alone in my “Aw yeah do a little dance” mode. I have just worked 14 hours straight and you put a smile RIGHT on my face. You are awesome in so many ways. I have to go and add some kind of token to the altar I made to you. Do you want a plant or animal sacrifice? I have a girlfriend lying around here, I’m sure she won’t mind if it will make you post faster…

    17. YAAAAAAAY, I am so excited and glad to see an update for this fic, FINALLY. And I was happy with the content. I am so happy they are giving it a try. I thought Ash was gonna say she would transfer,hehe. I hope to see another update soon. Great.

    18. YAAAAAAAY, I am so excited and glad to see an update for this fic, FINALLY. And I was happy with the content. I am so happy they are giving it a try. I thought Ash was gonna say she would transfer,hehe. I hope to see another update soon. Great.

    19. while i’m a little disappointed that this didn’t turned out to be the science fiction futuristic fic with robots that you promised it was, i must say i was happy with this chapter. FINALLY they get together! FINALLY i’ve been waiting months for this moment! I mean i’ve been waiting months on my SPARE time, after my real life and stuff

    20. while i’m a little disappointed that this didn’t turned out to be the science fiction futuristic fic with robots that you promised it was, i must say i was happy with this chapter. FINALLY they get together! FINALLY i’ve been waiting months for this moment! I mean i’ve been waiting months on my SPARE time, after my real life and stuff

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