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    a boss, a milf, and a Flashdance moment

    Tina stood behind her desk, her gold framed glasses low on her nose as she shuffled through papers in search of the updated script. The glint of her diamond ring shimmered along the wall as she lifted her glasses to the top of her head, moving her hair away from her face. Just as she scrunched her nose in frustration, her phone rang on the opposite side of the desk.

    She tapped the photo of Bette flashing on her screen. “Hey baby, I can’t really talk right now. I’ll call you back in a bit. Ok?”

    “Ok, I love you.”

    “Love you too.” Tina tapped the phone again, her eye catching the title on the packet below it. “Aha! Lifesaver, baby.” Tina blew a kiss into her phone before putting it in her back pocket and heading towards the door. Tina was surprised to see her director and show runner standing in the hall.


    “Hey what’s up, do we have a meeting?” Tina looked curiously between the two.

    “No.” Ben walked into Tina’s office as Annie followed.

    “Come in,” Tina rolled her eyes behind them shutting the door. She walked back to her desk and leaned on the edge of it.

    “We wanted to talk to you because we are having a hard time finding the right woman for the dream sequence and part of the reason is because we already have someone in mind that would be perfect for it.” Ben began, directing the conversation as he wanted it to go.

    “Ok, so bring her in. What’s the problem? There isn’t a lot of time for this.” Tina was quick to respond, confused as to why they were bringing this to her now.


    Annie interjected afraid of how Ben would spin it. ”We kind of need you to do that.”

    “Me? I’m not in charge of casting.” Tina crossed her arms as Annie continued.

    “No we know, but…”

    “Guys, I’m already late so let’s get to the point. What do you need from me?”

    Simultaneously they said, “We want Bette.”

    Tina’s eyebrow skyrocketed at her wife’s name. She shifted her arms to her sides, grasping the edge of her desk. “Bette?”

    “Yes,” both Annie and Ben responded with eager nods.

    “Bette’s not an actor.” Tina was matter of fact in her scoff.

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    1. Thankyou for this story… it is a a hot sex scene, however, I am more interested in if Bette accepts the role and what it turns out to be.. Oh, and since I am older than dirt, I had to Google what MILF meant… not a common term of my generation…. in fact this is the first time I have ever seen the term… so live and learn..

      I want to say, that I think you have a vivid imagination. I would love to see you write a story in which there is more character development and plot line so we get to know your Bette and Tina…

      I appreciate your time and effort….

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