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    As Good As It Gets – Chapter 13

    Bette watched each reaction in the mirror with a smirk, enjoying the way Tina completely submitted to her touch. There was just something so sexy, so unbelievably raw and passionate about watching Tina this way. It did something to Bette, increasing her insatiable hunger and growing desire for the beautiful blonde.

    "Bette . ."

    "Yes baby?" Bette flicked her tongue against Tina’s earlobe with a smirk, moaning when Tina bit her lip and ground herself harder into Bette.

    "Touch me . . please" Tina’s eyes cracked open in time to see one of Bette’s hands wandering up her body, playing with the spaghetti straps criss-crossed over her chest. Her eyes rolled back as Bette dipped her fingers between the straps, teasing the swells of her breasts as her other hand continued to tease her inner thighs.

    Bette smirked, slipping her entire hand between the now loosened straps of Tina’s top, working her way to one of her lover’s breasts. She continued to slide her other hand up Tina’s thigh, admiring the contrast of her darker skin against her lover’s lighter, creamier complexion.

    "Where do you want me to touch you baby?"

    Tina’s entire body was on fire, writhing and squirming as she silently begged for more. Her nipples were so hard they ached. They ached for Bette’s touch.

    Bette’s hands were magic and Tina was completely consumed, so utterly dizzy with lust that she thought she would fall over, "Anywhere . ."

    "Like here?" Bette moaned when her fingers came into contact with one of Tina’s nipples at the same time the fingers on her other hand pressed against the wet fabric of her lover’s panties.

    "Fuck!" Tina gasped, her hips bucking against Bette’s hands. She lifted an arm up over her head and grabbed a handful of Bette’s hair, holding the brunette in place as she moved her hips in rhythm with her lover’s touch, "Yeah . . right there baby"

    Bette rapidly flicked her index finger over Tina’s harden nipple as she began to slowly massage between her lover’s legs. Bette rested her chin on Tina’s shoulder, watching in the mirror as her hands worked their magic on her beautiful love. Tina turned her head towards Bette, gripping her lover’s hair tighter as she gasped and moaned. Bette’s fingers were working her so good, she never wanted it to stop.


    1. What a psycho! think Bette will have to break up with Ava several times ha!I hope Bette and Tina don’t get into Ava’s game, because a person like her could be very manipulative.Excellent chapters and as always with your stories i keep wanting more more and more.PPVS

    2. looks like tina or bette caught what ava was saying about sam… i am wndering if they say any thing about that… ava just about told tina she was the one who sam was with… any way… ava needs hers now… maybe a fewe lost teeth too, this way she can’t sing any more…now that would be her due justice… love this story… and it will be sunday here in NY in about 4 and 1/2 hours… :)

    3. Ditto, ditto, ditto. Excellent chapter as usual. Never a dull moment with Ava around. She hung herself with her actions as Tina and Bette will make it official soon. Looking forward to more good adventures. Thank you!

    4. i wish Ava got punched too and for a minute i thought she was going to spill the beans on her and Sam! Hope Bette get’s her next time with a nice right hook and a black eye! more soon pls thanks Liah!

    5. I thought they were already a couple? I can’t believe Ava was even mobile after sucker punching Tina. I would’ve been waiting out in the parking lot with a ski mask, bat and Cadillac. I read the Ava fight scene with Kanye West’s Flashing Lights and it totally went together. Thanks Miss Liah 😘

    6. Ooohh, Ava is going to absolutely get it, and it cannot come soon enough, even though I think she has a lot more crap and trouble-making up her sleeve. Once the truth about everything is out though… >:D On another note, everything else about Bette and Tina’s reunion was really sweet. Thanks for the post, Liah! :)

    7. oo~~~ohh no!! I knew I have to save the update till Sunday! But even though I tried to read slower, I still reach page 11 before that!! … :-( that might lead me to another round :-p and dear lord how come Ava manage to go inside there!? And bypassed 2 bodyguards?! And punch Tina!? Ugh!! She must be so small* and slimy* so she managed it huh!? *pun intended* so looking forward to what happens next! :-) thanks Liah for the update and enjoy your weekend getaway! Will be waiting patiently for more update from you :-) btw when will Ava spill the beans about Sam!? And … Do you have a Jenny somewhere to match Ava’s craziness?!? You know.. ;-) LOL… PPVS :-)

    8. OOOOOooow… can i have the permission please to sucker punch Ava? please?? god… i hate that biatch. but i have to admit, ava makes this story more’ll bring out the ever protective Better Porter. wooohooo!i love this story. please post soon. =)

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