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    Chapter 1 – Tina’s Engagement

    A New Life


    This story begins at the end of Season 1 of The L Word: Generation Q. The L Word and Season One of The L Word: Generation Q is cannon. The balance of The L Word: Generation Q are not a part of this story and therefore never happened.  The Interrogation Tapes are not cannon as they were not broadcast to the general public along with the rest of the series. Those were presented as additional filming with box sets and on internet websites and were not available to those who viewed the original broadcast including subsequent streaming broadcast.

    This story is intended to present the Bette Porter and the Tina Kennard which I know and have grown to love. It is intended to address the issues which I consider the most prominent as a result of Generation Q. That is the divorce of Bette and Tina, the fact that Bette has become Angie’s primary parent, and the subsequent engagement of Carrie Anderson to Tina.  My Carrie is not the character which is played by Rosie O’Donnell. I started this story before the announcement of Rosie would be playing the part of Carrie nor the public awareness that her last name on Gen Q is Walsh. I had a completely different view of who she would be.

    This story is my own view of what I see would have been the natural progression of how things would go based upon my views on who these two people are and who they became in Season 5 and 6 of the original L Word. I am sure some of this will not be very satisfying to many readers as there is not a whole lot of drama or angst. It is more of a mental journey for Tina Kennard and for Bette Potter to get to their New Life.

    There are 31 chapters which is 803 pages in this story. That is roughly 26 pages per chapter. I would like to load two chapters each week so that it will be complete in approximately 3 months. I would appreciate comments, good, bad or indifferent. I wrote this for my own enjoyment and satisfaction and if it doesn’t appeal to you, well that’s okay. I love these two women with all my heart, and I know that many of you do as well.

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    1. Hey Martha,

      Good to see you back.

      I’m in for the journey you will take us..

      So far if I’m honest i find Tina selfish, now i know they always have had trouble to communicate but to just leave, file for divorce without even giving Bette an explanation or a chance to work on their marriage, not showing up when Kit died, only a little note, very very harsh.

      What did Tina and Carrie expect, that Angie would be happy? She doesn’t have Tina much in her life and now with the marriage announcement i would react the same way and big applaus for Bette pointing out what she thinks is the reason why Angie reacted that way. Are Tina and Carrie that blind and selfish?

      Look forward to the next chapter, i can’t promise to always comment but will try to read it when you update. Promise me there will be a happy Tibette ending, if not I’ll not read it, I’m a diehard Tibette fan and with the spare time i have i can’t invest that in a well written story that doesn’t end with Tibette together.

      • Bibi28,

        Thanks for your comment. I will deliver on your wish.

        Angie’s response to Tina and Carrie’s announcement in Gen Q was always a mystery. When Tina is living in Toronto, when did Tina see Angie? And in the early teens when children are transitioning from childhood to adulthood, these are the years of big change. And with a part time relationship with one of your parents, that relationship will change. No relationship is going to maintain its closeness with telephone conversations and occasional visits. Anyone whose parents were divorce during their childhood years know this intuitively. Yet, Gen Q assumed the opposite.

        Thanks for reading.

    2. Welcome back, Martha! Very happy to see your story posted. I recently reread your epic Ten Years story. Thank you keeping the site viable during this traumatic time. A little escape has been needed.

      Now to your current post. Tina has got to be the most selfish person in the universe. She surely can’t think that bringing another so called parent into Angie”s life is `a good thing. contrary to her feelings that Bette was taking much so much space, It
      looks like she gave Tina more rope than she deserved. Its was unforgivable for her to avoid Kit’s funeral. So selfish for her to just walk knowing the importance of Kit in Angie’s and Be1te life. Then to blow back in town like nothing happened is crass. even Carrie sees that no good end is going to come with her decisions.

      Thank you gain for posting. Happy Birthday Too.

    3. majicspider60

      I didn’t intend for Tina to appear selfish, but obviously that is how you and Bibi28 see her. So, I may have screwed that up a little. It was my intention to show that Tina has so little involvement in Angie’s life that she simply had no clue as to how Angie would respond. She simply does not know her child as she believes she does. Tina and Angie get along well when they are together, and they do truly love each other. Tina just fails to realize that as time goes on and with limited contact, people change. People develop different interest and have experiences which causes people to change their perspective and approach to life. If Angie had a fairy god mother, the one thing she would wish for is that her parents were still married and lived with her in the same house. She wants them together. But that is not what the reality is for her.

      I also wanted to show that this response was somewhat of a surprise to Bette as well. But once she saw it, she knew the reason for the response.

      Thank you for the comment. I hope you stay with this story. I am posting the first few chapters as they are short.

      And thank you for your comment on my Ten Years After series. Since there are so few comments and there is no counter as to views, it is difficult to know if anyone is reading it or not. But that is life… and so we go on.

      Thank you again.

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