Fan Fiction
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Chapter 2 – Angie and Tina
A New Life
Chapter 2 – Angie and Tina
Tina knocked on the door and then opened it to see Angie on her side crying softly. She quickly turned and saw her Mama T.
Tina: Hey you… what’s going on?
Angie tried to pull herself together…
Angie: I’m not sure I can talk about it right now.
Tina: Sure, you can. I’m your Mama T and I love you no matter what.
Angie: NO, No, No…. I cannot do this right now…. How can you and Carrie come in and act like you just announced that we are all going to Disneyland for the day when what you have announced is that you and Carrie are going off to form your own family? Mama B and I are your family! You’re supposed to come back to us… Remember?
Tina: Carrie makes me happy…
Angie: Yeah, I know and we don’t. So, you’re off to form your new family. And Mom and I have to figure out how to handle that. I’m sure we will be fine. Don’t worry. I’ll get through this and so will Mama B.
Tina: Oh honey, I love you and Mama B. And I will always be your family. Whenever you need me, I’ll be here.
Angie: Mama T… please do not make promises you can’t keep.
Tina: What do you mean Angie?
Angie: You weren’t here for Aunt Kit’s funeral… I thought Mom was going to die. She was hurting so bad. She kept looking for you and you never came. If it weren’t for Aunt Alice being there, I don’t think she could have gotten through it. And then Shane showed up and Mama B was so glad to see her, then I knew that Mama B would get through it. But it was so hard. She wanted me to be by her side constantly. I have never seen Mama not only so sad but just in fear. It was like she was afraid that she was going to lose me, too. It took a long time for Mama to get back to normal. After that she changed a lot. She didn’t yell as much. She never gets really angry anymore. When she does, she seems to take a few breaths and gains control and then she speaks with a very determined voice so that I know she means business. She talks to me more. We are more connected than we were.
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Love the quick update and how Angie was honest in her talk with Tina. Even more that she pointed out how Bette is with her and that she won’t move in when Tina and Carrie are on hiatus and in LA.
Still don’t like Tina and how she has behaved before and after the wedding.
I presume you meant the funeral not the wedding.
My Angie is a plain-speaking young lady. She has had Bette and Kit as examples. She cannot lie or even mislead people on how she feels. It simply is not in her character. And simply believes that she is Bette’s only family particularly now that Tina and Carrie are to be married, and Kit is no longer with us. I had hoped that this would show how bonded Angie is to Bette.
Thanks for reading.
Wedding?, Sorry, meant the past three years, the separation and the divorce, how Tina handled that or in fact she just went and didn’t think what her actions would do to Bette and Angie.
I love your Angie and yes you can read how bonded she and Bette are.
I thank you for sending me this link, I’m so excited to start this new journey with you
I am thoroughly enjoying the recaps, it terrible how Tina just upped and walked away from her marriage, to her supposedly love of her life! Tina must have been in a bad place to walk like that all though, it takes guts and strength to just walk away!
I’ll never understand it, Bette would have given her the moon had she asked for it, so why didn’t she ever talk to Bette??
Carrie must have been very special, to claim Tina’s heart so quickly. Bette was always so thoughtful and romantic and her loving gestures would have been hard to top, I imagine.
Anyway I am thoroughly enjoying it, it’s so good to read your stories again …I must carry in reading again !
Thank you, Janice. I hope that as you read that you will get answers to your questions. Hopefully you will see that Carrie is not the same Carrie as presented in Gen Q. And Tina’s leaving is a mystery to Bette as well.
But it is Angie who brings Tina back to the realities as to what Tina’s decisions have done. I do hope you enjoy this saga.