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    Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)

    The next day, Tina’s house, Bette and Tina have had dinner together and are moving to the couch for a glass of wine. Tina positions herself with her legs tucked under and Bette approaches and hands her a glass before taking a seat alongside her, leaning back into the couch and resting a hand comfortably on Tina’s thigh as she has a sip of wine. She turns to Tina.

    (Bette) So how does it feel to have yesterday behind you?

    (Tina smiles) It’s a relief really, I’m just so glad everything went so well for them. That they were pleased with everything

    Tina leans her elbow into the back of the couch and rests her head against her hand.

    (Tina) I’m so happy for her. That she’s found someone who makes her so happy

    Bette smiles and has a sip of wine, and Tina watches her for a moment. Tina takes a breath before speaking.

    (Tina) What would you think about moving in together?

    Bette looks over at her with eyebrows raised. They hold each other’s gaze for a moment and Bette then furrows her brow as she examines her.

    (Bette) You’re serious?

    Tina smiles.

    (Tina) I’m serious

    Bette has another sip of wine and then looks back at her.

    (Bette) Did Alice say something last night?

    (Tina smiles) Well yes, but that’s not what this is about

    Bette looks at her suspiciously and Tina smiles.

    (Tina) I mean, maybe that’s the catalyst for bringing it up right now. But I’ve also been thinking about it recently

    She shrugs.

    (Tina) I think I’d like it. And she’s right, it doesn’t change anything about what we’re doing, not really

    Tina reaches towards her and runs her fingers through Bette’s hair.

    (Tina) I don’t think we need to treat it as this big thing, that it means anything about where we’re going to be in the future. We spend every night together anyway. Half your wardrobe is here, and half mine at your house

    (Bette smiles) All very practical reasons

    Tina smiles.

    (Tina) And I think it would be fun. Really fun actually

    Bette has a sip of wine and then looks back at her.

    (Bette) Well, I have to say, I’m surprised. I sort of thought you’d never want that. I certainly never expected it


    1. This was an interesting and entertaining story. There are all kinds of relationships as there are all kinds of people. What is going on between this Bette and Tina seems a bit unusual. They both seem to be wary to trust the other completely or maybe it’s the less than complete understanding of themselves. They are both of the belief that they do not want to be in a committed relationship… at least in one which they apparently see all around them. It seems that they both define such a relationship as burdensome and simply not what they want. And yet, in almost every way, they form a committed relationship in almost every sense of the concept except as they themselves define it. I think this is a lesson in that not all people understand relationships in the same way. This works for them.. and I wish to be them well… now that they are financially intertwined, their relationship appears to be very committed and very forward looking. But that is just what I see.

      Thank you for this story. I appreciate your work and hope to see more.

    2. Great ending for a very interesting story.
      For me they are in a committed relationship although they will not call it like that but whatever works for them and this is it.

      Look forward to any new story of you!

    3. Oh thank you so so much for this whole story. It’s really beautiful and I loved it sooo much. In fact, I think, for he very first time, I identified so much with these two characters who just want to keep this beautiful thing they have between them as light and fun and uncomplicated and uncompromising as they can. This is actually exactly what I’ve also been having with my bf for the last two years and it works so well… I’m going to insist on this but this truly is the first time ever that I can actually see my “relationship” ( for a lack of a better word ) represented in a fic (. well, except we’re definitely not considering ever living together as to us this would definitely mean keeping on having to tell the other one what we do all the time so they wouldn’t worry and we definitely don’t want to have to do that. We really want to keep the freedom one can only have when they live by themselves ) and for that, I must say thank you very much. Anyway I sooo love these versions of Bette and Tina.

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