Fan Fiction
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Chapter 26 – A Breakthrough Moment
A New Life
Chapter 26 – A Breakthrough Moment
The next morning, Bette and Tina got up and quickly got into their running clothes and went downstairs to get their water and proceed on their run. Angie had left about a half hour earlier for her run. Once again Bette could not believe how much better her shoes made her feel. Tina made sure that they did not over do their run. Once back at the house, Bette and Tina proceeded to prepare breakfast.
Tina prepared southwestern omelets, toast and slices of avocado. Bette put a large glass of orange juice for Angie and small ones for her and Tina. Bette place Tina’s coffee at her place just as she liked it and her own at her place. She put a bottle of water at each place as well. Angie came in and saw that breakfast was ready. She quickly grabbed the bottle of water and stepped out on the patio to cool down. Tina put her food in the oven to keep it warm.
Bette: Looks like she pushed her run today.
Tina: Yeah, good shoes will do that to you. I had to hold you back today or you would have pushed it as well.
Bette: Well, I felt good and I thought I could do more.
Tina: You are not seventeen years old and about to enter competitive running like Angie is. You are running to keep your body tuned up not to become a professional runner.
Bette: Actually, I appreciate you holding me back, because by noon, I would have trouble moving if I did much more.
Tina: What’s on your agenda today?
Bette: I’m going to try to get a contractor over here to give me an estimate and a time schedule on building a car port or garage for Angie’s SUV. I’m going to call Shane and discuss the Yellowstone trip to make sure she knows she’s invited to spend the night the night before. I am going to suggest that she plan on getting her SUV serviced while we are gone. I am going to email Helena and see if she can get us the budgets for each division and a list of the approved grants. I also need to contact the bank about getting Angie a debit card as quickly as we can so she will always have funds for what she needs. What’s your agenda?
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Good chapter, thank you!
Okay we have now more insight into the why’s of Tina leaving her family three years ago. Unconscious you can copy what happened in your youth and act the same way, in Tina’s case she acted like her mother, but still in my opinion it can’t be the only reason but you are the writer so i have to accept that’s the most important reason why Tina left.
Bette is very understanding and support Tina the best she can. Communication is what will be the success of a relationship and i do hope they will continue to do that.
I do find it positive that Tina takes full responsibility for the mess and hurt she created to Bette and Angie by leaving them and not looking back or even thinking what she caused due to her leaving without a thought. She now has to make sure she doesn’t do that anymore, if she’s unhappy, talk about it to Bette and maybe they can work it out and sometimes it’s not in the cards to have a relationship but make sure that both Bette and Tina come to the same conclusion. What I’m talking about, we do know they will succeed and have a good relationship!
Perhaps this is not a satisfying answer as to why Tina behaves as she does. But for me, thinking about the ridiculous scenario that Bette and Tina were divorced, this is all I could come up with which would make any kind of sense. It is not fathomable that Tina or Bette would fall out of love with each other, think that the grass was greener elsewhere, have some situations arise which was simply unforgivable, split as the result of anger or character flaw with one or the other. After some 20 years and a child who was still in adolescence, why would they split? There is no answer to that.
The brain is a multifunctional organ which is unique in every individual. It carries the history, the emotions and the knowledge of a person which can only be accessed by the person who has that brain. What may seem illogical to you makes perfect sense to others. What seems unreasonable to you seems reasonable to me…. but I can accept that if it appears to be within my realm of reasonableness.
In Gen Q, Bette and Tina get back together after having a period of time of self-examination and then choosing to get back together. There was never a reason for the split, and no real reason to get back together except that they both wanted to. Bette willingly sacrificed her entire life to be with Tina in Gen Q. Tina sacrifices nothing. In my opinion, that is a very unbalanced foundation for the relationship.
In my story, Tina is sacrificing her life to be with Angie during her last few months in high school. She wants Bette back, but there is no assurance of that when she makes her decisions. Fortunately, Bette wants Tina back as well. Bette never wanted the split. Both Bette and Tina are risking the possibility that there may be future hurt and pain and that the relationship may not work. But they are going into this relationship with their eyes wide open and with the knowledge of what caused the split to begin with. They have a long history of being together and since they have identified the dominate cause of the split, then I believe that a long and happy life together is not only possible but probable.
For me, the only answer is that the split was caused by a quirk in their lives which only happened when it did and has no chance of reoccurring. When people are living their lives, they are so involved in that which needs immediate attention, they do not see where it is their decisions are taking them. People are simply not very good at taking a 50,000-foot view of a situation evaluating it at least not on a current basis. We are much better at evaluating past decision and actions than current ones.
At some point, I would love for you to tell me what you think caused them to break up and what are the chances that could be overcome to bring about reunification.
You know that this is a very difficult story to write. IMO, the writers of Gen Q had no backstory to explain why Bette and Tina got a divorce and therefore that is why we got the story we did. The motivation for the divorce was outside of the story. So, inside the story never really worked.
Thanks for your comments.
A very interesting chapter!
Tina’s therapy visit seemed to have really helped her. I’m not sure that’s all though, I think there are other factors that will help Tina understand her behaviour a bit more.
It’s interesting that both she an£ her mother both left loved ones and children/a child to pursue their careers. They both felt so unhappy with life and wanted more….is the grass greener?? Certainly Tina found out just how much she had lost, going after a career she thought she wanted, I wonder if her mum ever regretted her decision, we will never know.
We all learn from our parents, what’s right, or wrong, our morals and beliefs. We learn from them and from their experiences, unfortunately not all we learn turns out to be good for us.
It’s only in later life when we look back do we notice the similarities whether they be good or bad, right or wrong for us!
Thank goodness she has Bette, who is so loving, so in love with her and so understanding. I know Bette wants Tina to find herself and is with her all the way. Once they are more understanding of each others minds they can and will move forward together! ❤️
Really enjoying this storyline, one that I’m sure will not reach a conclusion as Tina has become estranged from her family, many years ago. I wonder if she will ever decide to she wants or needs to get back in touch, just to see where they have ended up in their lives. I can help wondering if there isn’t more than she can remember, as to her not having any contact with her parents or her siblings ??
Tina and her mother went through long periods of time in which their only life was that of caregiver for her children. Tina did so voluntarily and decided that she would not truly look for a job. In today’s society, a working mother is pretty much the standard. And Angie was in elementary school and later in middle school at the time of unemployment. In Donna’s time, the standard was to stay home with the children until they reached elementary school. But she and Steven could have made other choices. They could have hired someone to take care of the children while both she and Steven worked. So why did Donna decide she had to stay home as long as she did? We will really never know. But once she had her last one in school, she then dedicated her life to her work for the most part. Steven had to assume all the childcare responsibilities as well as working and being the head of the household. Steven never complained about anything except that Donna was really not a partner in their relationship. And all of that was reflected in the behavior of all the children.
The difference in Tina and Donna is that Tina truly loves Angie and wants to be her mother. Donna never had a desire to be a mother to her children and therefore she handed all those responsibilities to Steven. For Donna, children were a part of her image. Children is what was expected by society and being a woman… not because she wanted them. Tina on the other hand wanted to have a child or children with Bette. They had been together for seven years before they began the process of having a baby.
The major reason Tina is back with Bette and Angie is her connection to Angie and her desire to have that bond with her only child that she did not have with her own mother. She is discovering almost by accident how her decision to just get away and find herself process almost totally wrecked her life. After leaving, life becomes so rushed, and work was so time consuming, she failed to pay attention to what was going on with Angie or with Bette. She then avoided Bette as much as she could because she knew (subconsciously) that once she was in the same room with Bette, her love for her would become the most important thing in her life except for Angie. And this went on for three years. And that was after six years of no life except for that as a childcare provider. And absolutely all of it – the depression, the lack of self-worth, the extended time as a childcare provider and the lack of self-identity could have been avoided by simply talking to Bette. Bette may have suggested something other than the entertainment industry or at least not the film industry. Tina had many options, she simply failed to explore any of them. That may be because of her thought process that she was not going to be like her mother and abandon her child. But in the end, she did. I believe that Steven and Donna may have had a better life, if they had talked early in their relationship. But possibly not. Donna is such a different person than Tina is.
Perhaps this story is bit simplistic. I have always believed that Bette and Tina are fixable. But in order to do that, I needed something which did not involve either of them doing anything particularly to make the separation happen. Sometimes people just get into a routine and unless you break that routine, it just continues on. Tina broke the routine…. but the results did not happen as she wanted it to happen. Until Angie brought her feelings to Tina, Tina would have continued in her Toronto-New York- Carrie life until the series was over. Then, it would be too late to restore her relationship with Angie and possibly with Bette.
I know my story is unique and will not be liked by everyone. I am glad you are enjoying it.