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    Chapter 27 – A Busy Week

    A New Life

    Chapter 27 – A Busy Week

    The next morning, Bette and Tina got up and put on their running clothes and made their run. Once back at the house and after consuming a couple of bottles of water, they both began to prepare breakfast for the family. Today, would be scrambled eggs, link sausage, cheesy grits, melon and toast.  Bette questioned whether Angie would eat the grits.  Tina said told Bette that if she didn’t it would be fine. She was in the mood for grits and she would be serving them. Bette laughed. Tina then told Bette what a difficult time she had had finding grits as they simply were not carried by their local grocery store.  She had to resort to Amazon to order them and have them delivered.

    Angie came in and went through her cool down routine and then joined Bette and Tina at the breakfast table.  When she asked what the new dish of a white grainy substance with cheese was, Tina tried to explain.  Tina gave up and suggested that she just try them.  If Angie didn’t like them, then she would eat them. Angie tasted them and actually like them. Not a whole lot of flavor and a better texture than cream of wheat. She even asked if she could have a second serving which really threw Bette off balance. Bette thought they were okay, but nothing special. With that, Tina announced that she would be serving them from time to time for breakfast. Angie seemed thrilled with that.

    Bette:  Well, I guess you can tell that Angie is your child. She loves the grits.

    Tina:  Sometimes, you just have to try something with no preconceived ideas in order to get a true opinion on what you like or don’t like.  Angie has always had a pretty adventurous spirit when it comes to food.  You did that for her by introducing her food from various cultures and dishes which many people have no exposure to. The bottom line is that Angie trust that you nor I would never serve something that was truly awful. She just figures that if we eat it, it must be good.

    Bette: Yeah, I guess you’re right.  We did okay in that department, didn’t we?

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    1. They really seem to settle and make decisions together. It’s so great to see how they try to learn and prepare Angie for when she is on a university so that she could handle things on her own, like finances and horror for Angie, cooking lessons

      A question, is it normal thing that Angie just now get her own debit card? I know that when i was much younger i already had my own bank account, think i was twelve years old It was mostly to put my earned money on it but still i had access to my bank account. I was a very responsible kid and could be trusted not to spend it on candy or other not necessary things.

    2. Bibi,

      Debit cards for kids is probably something that has come into being only in the last 15 years or so. In America, parents have different means of giving their children money, paying their bills and so forth. Depends on the economic status of the family as to when a child gets their own account and debit card. Some parents just give their kids a credit card or debit card to their own account. They can charge things they purchase but they have no access to cash. And some still use good ole cash. I needed a way for Angie to pay for gasoline now that she is driving. But that branches into other things such as spending money.

      I must confess, that I am writing a story about raising a child when I myself have no children. I am a senior citizen, and I have no firsthand knowledge as to when things such as finance, domestic chores, and other things are introduced to kids. I know that here in America things such as sex education is not handled by parents generally in a very effective manner. I know that the internet and social media has changed much of the society and its attitudes and belief systems. So, if I write something that is totally off kilter, please forgive me. I research where I can and put into the story the ideas and approaches which I feel are important to producing an independent, well-adjusted happy child and someday an adult.

      Thanks for the comment.

    3. I love that Shane, Helena and Dylan are going to be guardians for Angie. 3 very level headed women, who will steer Angie in the right direction. I can understand why Alice was overlooked. She hasn’t got her own life sorted out yet so not sure how she would sort someone else’s out, just yet !

      They really are getting on well and working together on their future plans and reorganising the closets and draws. They seem happy just being together with Angie, working and cooking together. It nice they are going to show Angie a few recipes for when she goes to University, and share making the evening meals.
      It’s good Angie is getting her own credit card, even if it is linked to her parent’s account and they can monitor what she spends. I know most places here in the UK take credit cards over cash, so being prepared is important.

      They indicated to Joyce that they were working out their problems and were intending on becoming a couple again sometime in the near future. Aren’t they a couple now? It seems they are moving nearer and nearer to that point . The fact they now live together and share a bed, makes me believe they are now a couple?

    4. Yes, they are a couple… they are just not back to where they were prior to the divorce. That is a married couple with all the legal rights and obligations of a married couple. In America, they are two individuals who choose to live together which does not give legal rights as married couples. Until they are married, they are only entitled to those rights that are in writing. For example, unless there is a will which gives ownership in the real estate from one to the other should a death occur, then the remaining partner has no right of inheritance. Angie would have a right of inheritance due to an adoption decree or birth certificate, but Tina would have no right to Bette’s estate, nor would Bette have rights in Tina’s estate. A divorce severs all the rights of marriage. Another example would be the right to make medical decisions in the event of incapacity. As they are speaking to their lawyer about these things, this is more or less a statement as to their legal status more than their social or romantic status.

      Thanks for reading and for commenting.

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