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    Chapter 3 – Lets Make a Deal

    Tina:  Just remember, we will be eating lunch out and dinner as well.  Have you made reservations for dinner and informed Jeanette and Paris the time? We need to make it early if possible.

    Bette: I’ll do that when we get to the Planet.  Kit, are you following us or do you want to ride with us?

    Kit:  I’ll drive.  I want to review the books tonight while Sonny is working.  And I know you two want to get home to your kids.  You go on.  I’ll not more than 5 minutes behind you.

    Tina:  Kit, I’m leaving the key fobs to Angie’s car here on the table.  We are going to order a large bow to put on the car when we present it to her and will have it shipped here.  If you will just store it in the trunk, it will stay safe. Oh, and have Sonny take it out for spin if he wants to. We will talk to him about delivery on her birthday. And not a word to Angie.

    Kit:  Oh, this is so exciting.  My baby girl is going to get her very first car! Now y’all go on!

    Bette:  We will see you in a few, right?

    Kit: Right

    Tina picked up all the envelopes with her documents and Bette picked up the three copies of the will and associated documents. Once out the door, they hesitated just a moment and looked at the ruby red car.

    Bette:  I forgot that this is our car!

    Tina:  Me too.

    They got into the car and started toward The Planet.  It was another 20-minute drive.

    Tina:  I went through these envelopes. I think it’s all here. Now do we have an executed lease agreement?

    Bette:  Yes, we all signed on last night and then I emailed a signed copy to Dylan.  I kept our signed copy.

    Tina:  Okay, now we need the bill from the doctor with the correct names and addresses and I think we are ready for Friday. Perhaps we need to go open our bank accounts after we finish with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

    Bette:  That’s a good idea.  But we do not want to close our New York accounts until we have all the cards, internet access and check stock for the new accounts. I would hate to have you and Angie in New York with no money and no way to get it.


    1. Collins,
      Isn’t that the way life is? Lots of things going on which requires multi-tasking? My Bette and Tina are on the same page… they have been working at it for more than 20 years. They know what irritates and what soothes the other. They know they have responsibilities for their children. And most of all, they love their choices they have made in life – each other as partners, their professions, and their role as parents. This is a summer of change for these two. New professions, new home and a some what different family structure. The transition from their New York life to a life in California is full and getting Angie ready for Yale is thrown into the mix. Time is limited and what needs to be accomplished is much. And these two women will get it done…

      Thank you for reading.

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