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    Chapter 3 – Lets Make a Deal

    Bette had pulled into The Planet parking lot and parked near the building. She turned off the engine and remove her seat belt and reached over the console and pull Tina into a loving kiss.

    Bette:  Thank you for being who you are. Thank you for loving me and making me the happiest woman in WeHo Los Angeles California!

    Tina:  Thank you for being you. Thank you for loving me. And I am so happy. So, let’s go get something to eat.  This vehicle is not very conducive to a make out session!

    Bette:  That’s a plus! I guess there is always the back seat!

    Tina:  Come on…

    Bette:  No story time?

    Tina:  You are kidding, right?

    Bette puts out the Porter pout which she and Angie are infamous for. Tina slaps Bette’s arm playfully, grabs her arm and then leans over and kisses Bette’s cheek.

    Tina:  You better behave. We don’t want to embarrass your sister. She still owns this place you know.

    Bette:  Oh yeah, and she will be driving up any minute. Okay, I’ll behave.

    Tina and Bette walked arm in arm into The Planet.  Once inside, they were greeted warmly by the staff and invited to seat themselves.  Before going to select a table, Bette wandered over to the pastry display to see the various items.  Bette wanted something special for Angie and Daniel.  She saw some pastries with a cherry filling on top. She called Tina over and asked her to approve.

    Tina:  Those look delicious, down-right decadent even.

    Bette:  Do you think a half-dozen would be sufficient?

    Tina:  Only if we limit ourselves to one each and let the kids have the second serving.

    Bette:  We could do another run in the morning?

    Tina:  We still need to limit you and me to just one.

    Bette:  Meany!  Okay.  We will have a half-dozen of those cherry pastries.

    Kit walked up behind them and said: Jannie put that on my tab please. Their money is no good here! Oh, and throw in a two-pound bag of our Planet Special Blend Coffee. I know they need some of that.

    Kit:  Jannie will bring that to our table.  Come on you two let’s go sit down.

    Tina:  Thank you Kit, but you don’t have to that.  We can pay for what we purchase.


    1. Collins,
      Isn’t that the way life is? Lots of things going on which requires multi-tasking? My Bette and Tina are on the same page… they have been working at it for more than 20 years. They know what irritates and what soothes the other. They know they have responsibilities for their children. And most of all, they love their choices they have made in life – each other as partners, their professions, and their role as parents. This is a summer of change for these two. New professions, new home and a some what different family structure. The transition from their New York life to a life in California is full and getting Angie ready for Yale is thrown into the mix. Time is limited and what needs to be accomplished is much. And these two women will get it done…

      Thank you for reading.

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