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    “She and Ashley need to focus one hundred percent on the treatment program and get off to a great start in London.” Bette breathed out. “I don’t want either of them distracted by my presence.”

    “So you’re running?”

    James.’ Bette dragged out his name.

    “Well, you are.”

    “Please, let it alone.” Bette pleaded with him.

    “I just want it on the record that I disagree with your . . . method.” James sighed in resignation.

    “I hear you little brother.” Bette finally had a slight smile on her face. James was always so protective of her. “Duly noted.”

    “Alright.” James said, disappointed that he couldn’t convince his friend to act otherwise.

    “I will tell you though that I did promise Tina that we would talk soon.” Bette told her best friend. “But not right now. Ashley’s recovery is most important than any conversation Tina and I could have.”

    “Good, that’s a start.” James sighed, hopeful that Bette would indeed keep this promise. “I’ll see to everything. The Kennard’s will be in London by this weekend and both of them settled onto the estate.”

    “Excellent. Thank you.” Bette was relived and thankful. “Oh and James.”


    “Get Dr. Jenson to start Ashley on the pre-treatment program we developed when he sees her tomorrow morning in Philadelphia.” Bette shifted to doctor mode. “It will be beneficial if she has these medications and supplements in her system prior to arriving in London on Friday. I want them available to her this weekend also.”

    “Of course.” James knew the importance of immediate action and the effects of the drugs.

    “Thank you James.” Bette told her best friend. “And the cottage is ready for Tina and Ashley to occupy as well?”

    “Yes, everything is in order.” James informed his boss. Bette had tasked him weeks before in readying all aspects of the Kennard’s’ stay in London. “We’re all set. Nancy has the house all ready, stocked with food, supplies and essentials for the sisters. The housekeeper will visit several times a week or whenever the sisters need her available. No worries.”

    “Good.” Bette buttoned her jacket. “Oh, James. I just thought of something else.”

    “What is it?”

    “Transportation for Tina.” Bette creased her brow. “Remind me again as to how she’s going to get around?”

    “The car service will pick her and Ashley up at the airport when they arrive on Friday.” James informed her. “I’ve spoken with Winston and he’s arranged for a vehicle from the Porter fleet to be available for Tina at all times if she wishes to drive herself anywhere. It’ll be parked at the cottage for her use. If not, she and Ashley have access to the corporate driven car service 24/7. Either of them just has to call the dispatch center for a ride anywhere.”

    “Oh, that’s perfect.” Bette’s lips upturned just a tad. “Tina loved to drive around the countryside on her visits here in the past. Maybe she and Ashley can get out and enjoy some of the sights again when Ashley feels up to it.”

    “Yeah, I’ll mention that to her.”

    “Again. Thank you my friend.”


    “Keep me posted every step please.” Bette reminded him.

    “You know I will.”

    “Thank you again for your support.” Bette’s voice grew softer once more. She really did love the younger man as a brother. “See you in a bit for the flight back to London.” . . .

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    To be continued . . .







    1. So, Tina and Ashley will be in London in a few days. Terrific.

      Maybe with Helena and James pushing her, Bette will really talk to Tina about what happened and her illness.

      Can’t wait for more.

      • I don’t think there’s any question that Bette has to talk with Tina at this point. TK will be persistent in finally getting answers.

        Their time to confront the past is arriving very soon.

        Thanks for reading.

    2. Great to see an update on this story!

      Bette Bette Bette, still running away and being stubborn, glad Helena and James pointed that out to her.
      Because of her illness i can understand her strong hesitation to talk to Tina and avoid her and what happened in the past, she simply wants Tina to be happy , heal her sister and do whatever is necessary before she can’t do anything anymore due to her illness. But Tina will not give up, neither will Helena and James from pushing her to talk with Tina

      Bette loves Tina so much, she did so much for her behind the scenes , maybe Tina will be angry first when she learns about it but will eventually see and appreciate everything Bette has done for her.

      Let’s get Ashley and Tina to London and get Bette asap in London as well.

    3. I love Helena !

      We’re getting somewhere even if Bette’s stubbornness kills me.

      Really good chapter, a little short for my liking but hey…it’s always too short when the fic is this good.

      By the way, did I mention that I love Helena … ?!

    4. Very insightful chapter.

      Looking forward to the visit with Helena and Tina – hopefully Helena can drop some hints to Tina about Bette’s health. I have a feeling that Helena will be a key to Tina and Bette’s future together.

      Next chapter can’t come soon enough!

    5. Great advice from Bette’s two trusted, long time friends. Only hope she’ll follow it when Tina finally arrives in London.

      Looking forward to so much more.

      Thanks for the update.


    6. Hey Collins,

      Always love seeing an update to this story. Enjoyed Bette’s conversation with Helena – Helena is a true friend, she tells it like it is.

      Looking forward to Tina and Ashley being in London – even if Bette will be in Brazil at first – and wonder if Tina will talk with Helena.

      Thanks for another great chapter!

    7. Thanks for the update…. I didn’t see this one come in. Bette is still a big mystery and Tina?? Well, Tina is hard to read. Personally, I do not think Bette should head of the team to treat Ashley. It’s never a good idea for a physician to treat family or people who have a close relationship. Ashley was her almost sister-in-law and Bette knows that she cares for Tina a lot. It would be best to hand this assignment off to a competent physician on the staff for the benefit of both Ashley and Tina. And for the benefit of Bette as well.

      I hope things go well for Tina and Ashley. Maybe Bette will get some treatment for whatever ails her while she is in Brazil. Maybe she will comeback cured and ready for the second half of her life….

      Thanks for the chapter.

    8. Great update with interesting interactions between Bette and Helena and her loyal friend – aka ‘little brother’ James.

      Glad we’re on the cusp of Tina arriving in London and Ashley finally getting the medical treatment she needs.

      Bette has to return quickly to meet with up with Tina too.

      Anxious for the next chapters.

      • Think I’ve mentioned before that I think James was an important character in the OG & I wish IC would have developed his character more & we had less of other meaningless characters.

        Anyway, London awaits & all things are possible.

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