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    Chapter 30 – WANTING

    Author’s Comment –

    So, the game’s definitely afoot.

    Will their long suffering and pining for each other complete to an end in fully reconnecting???

    Or is this just the first step along the way???

    FYI – I do have several following chapters mapped out & mostly written. I promise to be posting more frequently & get this novel to a conclusion FINALLY.

    I’ve heard from several folks that they would be interested in a sequel to this novel.

    At the moment, I’m more inclined for an epilogue than another long novel.

    But I do think there’s more to their story to tell. And maybe like Largo with her The Real Tibette series– I’ll revisit them sometime in the future.

    For now, let’s get on with this story & what happens next . . .


    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Previously from Chapter 29 –

    Bette’s left hand tenderly brushed stray strands of blonde hair behind Tina’s right ear. She brushed the shell of Tina’s ear with her long fingers and marveled at its incredible softness. Her eyes traveled the length of the blonde’s face and took in every line, every detail, every peak and valley.

    Bette reached down and gently wiped the line of tears from Tina’s cheek, wincing at the dark shadows she witnessed under the blonde’s eyes. She attributed them to sleepless nights and worry over Ashley and her medical condition.

    She took her in, committing this modern version of Tina to her memory.

    The blonde had grown more striking over the intervening years and with a new found maturity. Yes, she’d aged a bit, confident maturity replacing the youthfulness of Tina in her earlier years. Yes, they had both aged, but Tina was still perfect in the doctor’s eyes.

    Perfect for her.

    Tears were again burning hot behind Bette’s eyes, threatening to drop at any moment. A large lump stuck at the back of her throat making it hard to articulate herself.

    “You . . .  you’re still so . . .  so beautiful.” The brunette whispered in that smoky, whiskey thick timber that had always been Bette.

    “No . . .” Tina reached up and brushed the back of her right hand across the doctor’s cheek in a light caress. Her eyes ablaze with raw emotion, fire danced in her hazel orbs. “You are.”

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    1. OMG – that was so, so good!

      I just want to lock them in a room and force them to TALK to each other – but then, we wouldn’t have your story if I did!! Ha

      This keeps getting better and better.

      Make Bette talk to Tina soon.

      Thanks for the update – keep them coming.

      • I would like to do the same with them, but I have yo give them a chance to come around on their own & in their own time!! Yes, Bette will start to come around – slow, but she will.

        Thanks for the nice words & your efforts on continuing to follow.

        Much more action to come.

    2. Wow… this is awesome.
      First, I want to Thank you so much for posting like you said you would cause I was actually expecting. and I want to Thank you again for making each chapter Worth the wait.

      This one is hot hot. The anticipation is killing me. Hmm… so Now bette is beginning to come around. Why is she so scared to accept what’s right in front of her.

      She better talk to Tina soon, Please make them talk already.

    3. first I want to thank you for posting like you said you would cause I was actually expecting. And I Thank you again for making each chapter Worth the wait.

      This one is hot hot. The anticipation is killing me. Hmm… so Now Bette is beginning to come around. Why is she so scared to accept what’s right in front of her.

      She better talk to Tina soon, Please make her talk to Tina already. Thanks

      • Thrilled that I was able to deliver on time for you & that you enjoyed the chapter!!

        I do put a lot of work into each chapter & have several editing sessions before I post each update – tweaking each read through.

        Yes ma’am – Bette is starting to realize that Tina is an immovable force & ‘resistance is futile’!

        Part of the reason why she’s hesitant to open up & accept Tina again is shame for how she acted in the past, fear of rejection or failure, the reality that she’s sick & has no future to offer to Tina.

        Yes, Bette will start the process of talking to Tina very soon.

        Thanks for following!

    4. Great chapter my friend!

      I wish you can lock them up when they are both in London and talk it out and begin a fresh start together.

      You can feel both their struggle and especially Bette’s resistance to talk with Tina.

      Look forward to the next chapter.

      • Hey,

        Thanks for the comment.

        Your wish might come true!! Ha

        They’ll get to see each other & ‘talk’ more often. Those feelings will come to the surface.

        Hope you like the upcoming chapters.

    5. What angst! This was perfect.

      Now they can start to move forward.

      I take it Bette is holding back because of her illness?

      Will she tell Tina what is happening or will Tina learn it from Helena or James?

      This is so interesting and I am so hopeful for them.

    6. OMG! The anticipation, the sexual tension, the angst – this chapter has it all! I do love how Tina wasn’t giving up easily.

      And they almost had a fight – understandable with all their intense emotions built up over years. But I love how it led them to agree to talk soon about all the things they need to talk about.

      Whew, love this update. I like the idea of an epilogue and revisiting them at some point.

      I love your writing and will read anything you write.

      Already looking forward to the next update.

      • Hey pal,

        Tina’s that pushy American that doesn’t quit * won’t accept no as an answer for anything.

        I actually toned down the near fight over what I had originally wrote. It just seemed too far over the top & didn’t flow well with the feel of the chapter. I also decided to speed up the reconciliation & not drag it out to extremes.

        I agree about the epilogue – but a short one – maybe just a chapter & then revisit down the line later.

        Thanks for the loyalty.

        Ashley & sister love will be a big part of the next chapters.

        Will post soon.

    7. So frustrating and yet so… understandable.
      Bette’s complicated life (huge professional responsibilities, her illness) gives her an alibi to hide her feelings from Tina. She tries to convince herself that it’s for the best but I’m sure Tina isn’t fooled and will try to confront her again in London and who knows maybe with the help of nice “friends”.

      Very good chapter, can’t wait to see them in London.

      I hope all is well with the family and that the cleaning is all done ! Take care.

      • Hi,

        You know its complicated & not an easy path for either of them.

        You are on the right path too about ‘friends’ helping out. And yes, TK will press forward once Ashley’s in the program & on the way to recovery.

        I’m actually looking forward to getting back to London & writing with that city the focus location.

        Thanks for asking about family – they are doing better!!

        Until next time.

    8. Like many of the others who’ve left comments, I too am looking forward to seeing them in London and furthering their reconnection.

      Excellent chapter and thank you for sharing it with us.

      • Thanks for commenting & sharing your thoughts with others. Its very gratifying to know that readers are willing to interact with other readers too.

        Been working on editing the next chapter & fine tuning it. Hopefully within the next 10 days it’ll be ready for posting!!

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