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    Tina was still there on the couch in Helena’s office, she had a cup of chamomile tea in her hands, Angelica was playing quietly with the building blocks on the carpet, while Peggy had left them alone.

    Helena had only tried to calm Tina down so they could have a healthy discussion after her sudden revelation of her feelings for Bette.

    That didn’t change much for Helena on a medical level, she was Tina’s friend, yes, but she was also Bette’s friend and colleague for years and she wanted the best for her. Maybe Tina was the best Bette could wish for on a human level, she had understood that for Bette the feelings were mutual even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself and to the whole world, but surely Tina couldn’t hinder Bette in her choice or influence her, that was the only choice Bette could have…maybe.


    ”Thank you…for this..” Tina pointed to the empty cup placing it on the small table in front of her, she was shocked, she hadn’t cried, but her head was in trouble, it seemed like everything hurt, plus the constant thought of Bette who had seen her leave like a fury worried her, what had she thought of her? And above all Tina how would she behave when she saw the brunette again.


    ”Are you feeling better?”


    ”I don’t think so.”


    ”I think we need to talk about it…”


    ”Yes…” Tina sighed ”what do you want to know?”


    ”First of all since when? Since when have you known this thing about yourself for Bette?”


    ”I don’t know, it’s the truth. You know the story with Arizona devastated me.” Tina ran a hand through her hair ”I really didn’t want to…and then I didn’t believe with her…I mean, you know, she’s a patient Hel! God, it’s wrong ethically…”


    ”She’s not your patient anyway…so let’s not talk about ethics” Helena interrupted her ”let’s talk about what’s going to happen?”


    ”In what sense?”


    ”What are you going to tell her?”


    ”To Bette?”


    Helena sank onto the couch next to her, her legs crossed ”Damn Tina…of course, to Bette…what are you going to tell her? Are you going to tell her that you love her?”

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    1. Looks like Bette is going to opt for the surgery. Tina and Bette are becoming more attractive to each other with Bette even having some jealousy over De Luca. Hopefully Tina will inform Bette that she has no interest in De Luca and maybe tell De Luca that she needs to keep their relationship professional as in no stroking her arm or infringing on her personal space and no more meeting for drinks. I would also advise Tina to have all meetings at the hospital and during working hours.

      Hopefully Bette will have the surgery and will progress enough in her recovery to leave the hospital.

      Thanks for the chapter…

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