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    Bette was staring at her, a part of her had understood, a part perhaps wanted it not to be true, she was ready for the blow.

    Tina was there with tears threatening to fall again, her hands on the keyboard of Bette’s bed, who was torturing her lips with her teeth.

    Bette examined her then finally decided to take control, all of this hurt terribly, it couldn’t happen at that moment.


    ”Tina I’m tired … and then it’s up to me to decide … I’m the one who’s here …”


    ”I’ve been in love with you Bette, for a while ok?” Tina said it quickly, without pain even if her chest was tingling ”it’s what I feel … I can’t fight it anymore, I’ve held it still for too long already..”


    Bette was speechless, it had happened, now, here, in her room. Tina had fallen in love, what Bette didn’t want had happened, what Bette cursed, what could she offer a woman like Tina?




    ”you can’t be in love with me Tina..” Bette tried to stay composed ”I…good heavens…what…what are you thinking?” Now Bette was really shaken and Tina laughed bitterly.


    ”what do you mean what I’m thinking Bette? do you have any idea what love means? or don’t you?”


    The tone was provocative, the conversation was starting up again.


    ”I forgot what love says Tina unfortunately…what its talks about, for someone like me doesn’t exist anymore!”


    ”Well if you can’t hear it you can’t expect me to think the same way you do, we are two different people, do you think? Life has been hard on you I know, I can imagine it.. but maybe, you are throwing it away, they are giving you a chance.”


    ”that involves high risks!” Bette retorted ”that maybe will never let me see the light of day again..”


    Tina nodded ”you said you have nothing to fight for anymore… you said it in front of everyone… is it true?”


    Bette stared at her


    ”you think you are so non-existent to the world? you think you are invisible? you think no one cares about you? Well ” Tina sighed ”that’s not the case Bette.. and I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about all the other people who are in your life, who love you, support you… Helena, Peggy, Alice and Shane, God… you have so many.”

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    1. OMG…. Am so nervous and excited as well. Now am glad that Bette has opened up to Tina and they kissed,it’s reassuring. I really love this story. I can’t wait for more. Thank you so much.

    2. Thanks for the new chapter. I’m sure that Bette will come through the surgery just fine. I imagine that the recovery will take a few weeks but hopefully by Christmas she will be ready to celebrate.

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