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    Tina had been working at Lenox Hill for a week, her rounds were endless, 12-hour shifts as if nothing had happened often and willingly, she was grateful that Monica was often and willingly with Angie even outside of the agreed hours, even if Tina hated being too long without her daughter. She would accompany her to the hospital nursery in the morning and then see her again in the evening, half asleep until she managed to extricate herself from some operation or no one needed her, then she would run to the nursery and pick her up and they would walk in the park eating ice cream even in the winter.


    She loved being with Angie.


    But Tina knew well what her job could be like, always better than the shifts they did in cardiac surgery or in other emergency departments, let’s say that Tina’s work takes place mostly in the emergency room, accidents and traumas were the order of the day. These were the first days, for the first few months she had to appear active and in command of everything, then under Helena’s advice she would delegate the simplest things to junior colleagues and specialists, for now she wanted to take care of everything.


    Bette had been included in all this.


    Tina hadn’t seen her much but she had looked at the tests and prescribed others and given drugs to control the situation, perhaps there had been a small ischemic episode as suggested by Helena and her mother, but by now they were no longer sure, too much time had passed and Bette had probably kept her mouth shut about the symptoms.


    That morning Tina and Callie Torres would work together again, Noah this 7 year old boy had had a tumor in the spinal cord that left him with little mobility in his left limb, he had undergone two operations to relieve him of the pain but his mobility had remained the same. Dr. Torres, the goddess of bones, had promised the parents to do everything possible to improve his mobility given the young age of the child, but Tina knew right away that it was a waste of time even if as soon as she entered the system she had supported the idea, so as not to seem rude.

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