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    Everything was fine on that gloomy day, the morning had been calm, no inconvenience, no emergency intervention for Tina.

    In the morning she had stopped by Bette’s room for a quick hello, the brunette had told her how much she and Helena had laughed while watching The Hangover last night on movie night.

    Tina had been happy about it.


    Tina was at the coffee shop when Peggy approached her ”Good morning Tina…”


    ”Hi Peggy”


    The woman ordered a long latte and a squeezed orange juice from the woman behind the counter ”Tina I need to talk to you about something important…”


    ”Tell me…” Tina leaned in front of the coffee machine waiting for Peggy to tell her the problem.


    ”See…do you know Liam? Liam Collins?”


    ”Sure…the child followed by Torres, I did a last operation with her last week.”


    Peggy nodded ”the parents want to file a complaint with the hospital”


    Tina opened her eyes wide and then took a step forward towards a table very close to them ”well I wouldn’t blame them…”


    ”That’s exactly the point my dear…I know you, you’re impulsive and you always tell the truth. And that’s what I really want…”


    Tina looked at Peggy without really understanding what she meant or at least that’s what she hoped.


    ”Unfortunately, Doctor Torres is making the matter unpleasant…she denies the fact, says she had no choice but I know that’s not the case, since she’s been seeing that clown of a plastic surgeon her head has gone…she works badly, disappoints people, creates gossip…” Peggy seemed quite upset ”in short my dear…I need to know the truth from you. I’m willing to pay for her, the hospital will be reported and I will give a sum of money to the family, we will have a fair trial but…I want the truth from you”


    Tina thought about it with a sigh, she ate her vanilla donut, playing with the sugar. ”The procedure wasn’t wrong.. the whole process was wrong… in Toronto in those cases they take the good marrow, before starting surgery after surgery that damages it. That way we would have had a better outcome for Liam.” Tina sighed and Peggy looked at her glass of juice ”noj I think Torres made a mistake on purpose… we’re talking about a child for heaven’s sake. But the work… yes she could have been better for sure, with more care.”

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    1. Bette has been in the hospital for 2 years. I would assume that she and Callie broke up before she was admitted as a patient. Callie was seeing Mark before she broke up with Bette, so I would think that pregnancy would be inevitable. Bette’s situation seems hopeless at this point. It appears that her only hope is a transplant. She is unhappy about her physical condition and her future prospects. That does not lend itself to improving her health. And Callie’s announced pregnancy does not make Bette’s life easier. Tina is trying to be her friend, but Bette’s attitude does not make it easy. Life for Bette is spiraling from bad to worse. In Bette’s words, she needs a miracle.

      Thanks for the update.

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