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    Let’s give this another try, shall we?

    ”As long as you’re having one,” Tina shaded her eyes from the sun as she replied.

    ”At least one,” Bette said with a smile. She set the glasses down and poured.

    Tina swirled the rich red liquid in the glass before bringing it to her lips for a taste.

    ”You always pick such delicious wine,” Tina sighed as she let her head rest back.

    Bette sat on the lounge chair beside Tina’s and stole a few glances as she relaxed under the evening sun.

    A period of time passed where they were comfortably silent, both reflecting on the pleasant afternoon they had just shared.

    ”Is something going on Tina?” Bette asked bluntly. The question had been on her mind since Tina’s call earlier in the day, and she felt as though she deserved an answer.

    ”Do you find it uncomfortable for me to be here?” Tina sat up and looked at Bette. ”I just…I miss you sometimes and I’m happy that I like you so much again.”

    ”I’m glad you’re here,” Bette said. ”I’m happy that we’re able to laugh together instead of fight, which is the only thing we were doing for a while.”

    ”It seems like a long time ago now though,” Tina said. She reached for her t-shirt to put it on.

    Bette hesitated only for a moment before reaching out and taking Tina’s hand.

    ”It means everything to me that Angelica sees us getting along,” Bette said quietly.

    Tina lifted Bette’s hand and placed a light kiss on the back of it.

    ”Let’s go make some dinner,” Tina broke the tension that seemed to be building between them. She slipped on her t-shirt and stood from the chair. She held a hand out and helped Bette stand. They picked up their wine glasses from the table that was between their two lounge chairs and silently made their way inside.

    “I can make a salad if you want to sear the tuna,” Tina said.

    “I’ll top up our wine,” Bette suggested.

    “Thanks,” Tina held her glass out. “Can I make a toast?”

    “Of course,” Bette replied, setting the bottle down on the counter and raising her glass in anticipation.

    “To renewed friendship,” Tina began. “And fresh starts.”

    They touched their glasses together lightly and drank to the toast. The air between them was thick with an undefined tension. Tina reached for Bette’s glass, took it from her and set them both down on either side of the wine bottle before returning her gaze to Bette.


    1. Oh my God!

      I am so happy that you are back!

      I love your stories, i read them more than once over the years.

      But i don’t have time to reread this story, have to work very early in the morning , but i hope to read it when i am back tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!

      You are a incredible writer and i do hope that you will find the time to write more! For now, thank you again for returning!

    2. Thanks for the shoutout! You’re an incredible writer with a natural style that pulls the reader in and makes one sorry when the chapter/story ends. Your writing demands rereading many times. It’s just that enjoyable. :-)

    3. I certainly remember this story and I love it more now. Thanks for updating the language so the profane language is present. It’s not that I am a complete potty mouth but let’s be realistic. Several of the stories that have transferred over have blanks or asterisks instead of the actual language. In my opinion, when this happens, the stories lose some of their authenticity and the characters lose their edge. I realize that it takes effort to fill in the blanks especially in longer stories. So thanks for doing that.

    4. I find stories harder to read with the asterisks inserted…it’s like a jolt of reality interfering with my escapism. I had to get to the task of editing them out. I do plan to work on more stories; some easier than others because of where the files are. This story was first posted almost 10 (!) years ago, so the digital file was more challenging to retrieve. I’m not much for cursing, but the occasional well placed F-bomb can really get someone’s attention.

    5. @JKS I can’t believe this story is almost 10 years old! It reads now as fresh as it did then. I really love your stories because they are so well written with realism, humor, sarcasm and authenticity. It also helps that for us ORs (Original Readers), it follows canon for the characters and storylines. :-)

    6. WOW, what a fabulous surprise seeing you back here, JKS! So glad you found your way back here and have even edited! Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!

    7. Thanks for your effort of editing and for giving us this wonderful story again.
      It’s still as beautiful as I remember it from reading your story for the first time a few years ago.

    8. Finally I managed to finish reading!
      I was slowly reading this story.
      And I confess that it was a great trip.
      Pretty and wonderful.!
      And to think that have passed since the 10 years, but
      It remains very current.
      The entire universe.

    9. Don’t remember seeing this before and it was wonderful, took me back a ways. So great to have you back giving us something to read from you. Wish other former writers would come back to us, all of you are valued and missed greatly. So many of the stories are not completed, would be so nice if they were. Again welcome back, looking forward to more. Thanks.

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